Chapter 31: Silent Disconnection

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Deku's POV:

I felt a lump forming in my throat as everyone's eyes turned to me. "Midoriya, are you okay?" Present Mic asked, concern etched on his face. I remained silent for a moment, my mind racing to find the right words to say. "Yeah, I'm okay," I finally replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

My gaze fell upon the desk in front of me. It was occupied by Uraraka, which was strange because that spot belonged to Kacchan. Confusion swirled within me as I scanned the room, spotting Kacchan at the opposite end. A frown creased my brow, and I instinctively reached for my phone, messaging him discreetly.

I watched as Kacchan's eyes flickered to his phone, a hint of annoyance crossing his features. He read my messages but chose to ignore them. Determined, I continued texting him relentlessly, desperately hoping for a response.





BROCCOLI_BOY 🥦: Kacchan, answer me

BROCCOLI_BOY 🥦: Stop ignoring me, please, Kacchan

Finally, he relented and replied, his words laced with frustration.


Relief washed over me as I texted him back, my fingers trembling with each keystroke.

BROCCOLI_BOY 🥦: Can we hang out after school?

KING EXPLOSION_MURDER 💥: Why the fuck would I want to hang out with my ex?

The word "ex" stung, a harsh reminder that we were no longer together. But deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was still something between us.

BROCCOLI_BOY 🥦: Come on, Kacchan, please? 🥺

KING EXPLOSION_MURDER 💥: You begging me isn't going to do anything. Go hang out with your pink cheeks.

BROCCOLI_BOY 🥦: Why would I hang out with her? I want us to hang out like before.

KING EXPLOSION_MURDER 💥: First, don't say 'us.' There is no 'us.' And second, she's your girlfriend, duh.

BROCCOLI_BOY 🥦: But, Kacchan, we are an 'us.'


BROCCOLI_BOY 🥦: Right... but what do you mean by girlfriend?

KING EXPLOSION_MURDER 💥: Bakusquad told me that at lunch, Pink Cheek told everyone in the school you two are dating...

BROCCOLI_BOY 🥦: Dating?! I don't even like her!


BROCCOLI_BOY 🥦: Kacchan, please believe me.

KING EXPLOSION_MURDER 💥: Uh huh, sure. I'll 'believe' you, alright.

BROCCOLI_BOY 🥦: Come on, Kacchan.

KING EXPLOSION_MURDER 💥: Shut up and leave me alone.

BROCCOLI_BOY 🥦: Kacchan.

BROCCOLI_BOY 🥦: Kacchan?

BROCCOLI_BOY 🥦: Oh, bye, I guess.

I sighed, putting my phone away and gazing at Kacchan. He continued to ignore me, and a sinking feeling settled in my chest. Perhaps if I gave him some space, he would eventually reconsider.

The sound of the bell jolted me back to reality. Finally, the school day was over. I joined my classmates as we walked out of the classroom and made our way towards the dorms. Mina suggested that we play games and stay up since it was Friday, and everyone agreed, except for Kacchan. He coldly declined and started ascending the stairs.

But then, Mina uttered something that could potentially get her in trouble. "I guess Bakubabe is scared," she joked, laughter bubbling from her lips. Kacchan halted in his tracks, fixing his glare on her. He marched back down the stairs and grumbled, "Fine, I'll play your stupid games."

We all headed to our respective dorms to change into more comfortable clothes. Once ready, we gathered in the common room, forming a circle. Fate paired me up with Kacchan, the last spot available. As he descended the stairs, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and anxiety.

"So, Mina, what game are we playing first?" Sero asked, his eyes fixed on her. Mina paused for a moment, mischief dancing in her eyes. "True or dare," she declared, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "But not just any true or dare. It's going to get spicy," she added, her laughter filling the room.


Word Count:621

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