Chapter 36: Conflicting Desires

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I know it's been a while since my last update, and for that, I apologize. Life has been pretty hectic lately, with a lot on my plate, including learning two new songs in band. But I promise, I haven't forgotten about you or our story.


Bakugou's POV:

I stirred from my nap, annoyance welling up as my eyes met Deku, perched on the chair beside my bed. "What the hell are you still doing here?" I snarled, the irritation bleeding into my words. Deku, true to his annoying nature, stayed silent, green curls obscuring his damn emerald eyes as he focused on the floor.

"Deku?" I prodded, my impatience mounting. No response. "Nerd?" I raised my voice, damn frustration simmering beneath my skin. "Why are you even here if you're not gonna say anything?"

Finally, Deku looked up. For a fleeting moment, our eyes locked, and I sensed a shift – something darker, more intense in those usually innocent green orbs. "Kacchan...Can I kiss you?" His question hung there, catching me off guard.

"Did you forget what I said, or are you ignoring it?" I demanded, my confusion giving way to annoyance. "Just one kiss," Deku insisted, rising from his chair and invading my personal space on the bed.

"Get back, Deku. We're not kissing," I commanded, attempting to shove him away. But some invisible force held me down, my body refusing to cooperate. Frustration and panic surged as Deku deepened the kiss, straddling me. I fought against it, but resistance was futile.

Deku's hand ventured under my shirt, hitting my nipple making me react sharply. He bit my lip, and my attempts to deny entrance met with brute force. Our tongues tangled, the intensity escalating with each passing moment.

"Kacchan~" A faint whisper reached my ears, confusing the hell out of me. The room pulsed with those whispers, growing louder and more insistent. Heat enveloped me, and I briefly closed my eyes, only to find Deku shaking me when I opened them again.

"What happened?" I muttered, sitting up. "You passed out, Kacchan. It's been two hours," Deku explained, concern etched on his face.

"Passed out?" My face heated up, embarrassment replacing the previous confusion. I pushed Deku away, my demand for him to leave echoing in the room. He looked hurt, but he obeyed, closing the door behind him.

Alone in the aftermath, I sat there, trying to make sense of the damn surreal experience. "Did I just dream about making out with Deku?" I wondered aloud, the events replaying in my mind. The room crackled with unspoken tension, and conflicting emotions wrestled for dominance within me.


Word Count:451

Sorry, it's short I need to get back to practicing my flute for band. See you tomorrow for the next update I hope.

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