Chapter 38: Valentine's Day

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Deku's POV:

I sat in my room, anxiety gnawing at my insides as Valentine's Day passed by without a trace of Kacchan. We'd searched half the city to no avail, and the worry weighed heavy on my heart. Clutching a pillow with Kacchan's face printed on it, I wallowed in my uncertainty until Mina burst into the room.

"Izuku!" Mina's voice cut through my thoughts, and I looked up at her, my eyes betraying my distress. She glanced at the pillow and then back at me, wisely choosing not to comment on it.

"We found Bakugo!" Mina announced, and I leaped off the bed, practically squeezing the life out of her in my excitement. "Where is he?" I demanded eagerly.

"Turns out, after the villains kidnapped him, he managed to escape and has been holed up in his room all day. That's why we couldn't open the door – he locked it," Mina explained. I thanked her and bolted out of the room, intent on seeing Kacchan for myself.

But as I reached his door, a sinking feeling washed over me. Today was Valentine's Day, and I hadn't prepared anything for him. Cursing softly under my breath, I was about to knock when Mina tapped my shoulder, handing me a bouquet of Marigolds and a box of hot tamales.

I thanked her profusely before knocking on Kacchan's door. He opened it, looking like he had just woken up, his eyes squinting against the light. He didn't seem to recognize me at first, simply grunting for me to come in. As he adjusted to the light, realization dawned on him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" he snapped, irritation evident in his tone. I held out the bouquet and candy, explaining that it was Valentine's Day. He seemed taken aback, almost on the verge of tears, but he quickly composed himself, snatching the candy from my hand.

I offered him the flowers with a wide smile, and though he hesitated, he eventually accepted them, silently thanking me. Emboldened, I asked if I could have a hug, but before I could finish, he shoved me out of his room, slamming the door shut.

Disappointed, I lingered for a moment before he reopened the door. "I still hate you, but here," he grumbled, handing me a new limited edition All Might figure. Eyes sparkling with gratitude, I fled from his room before he could change his mind.

Back in my own room, I sighed contentedly, cradling the figure in my arms. "So he doesn't hate me entirely," I mused to myself, cherishing the reminder of Kacchan's complicated affection. With a smile, I drifted off to sleep, the figure a comforting presence in my embrace.

Bakugou's POV:

I couldn't believe I had just done that. Why did I give him that figure? It was meant for me, but I ended up giving it to him just because he gave me some stupid flowers and my favorite candy. I buried my face in the pillow, screaming out my frustration. "I'm so stupid..."

Removing the pillow, I glared at the flowers and candy on my bed. Grabbing the box of candy, I started eating, the bitterness still lingering in my heart. In the corner of my eye, I noticed the flowers. With a sigh, I picked them up and placed them in a vase with water, silently cursing myself. "I guess he really does love me," I muttered bitterly. "But he still cheated!"

In a fit of anger, I hurled my pillow across the room, accidentally knocking over a framed picture on the wall. It fell to the floor, the glass cracking upon impact. Groaning, I began picking up the broken pieces, wincing as some of them cut into my skin. Despite the pain, I managed to clean up the mess and dispose of the glass shards in the garbage.

As I picked up the picture, my heart clenched at the sight of my name and Deku on our first date. Tears welled up in my eyes, betraying the turmoil within me. There was no denying it – despite everything, I still loved him.


Who else was single today🥲, Anyways I figured this would be a fitting piece to write down, especially on Valentine's Day. Hope it brought a smile to your face. Until the next chapter, take care!

Word Count: 710

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