Chapter 7: A Twist of Fate

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Hey Darlings,

I hope you're all doing well! I wanted to take a moment to sincerely apologize for the shorter-than-expected chapter, "Bonds Tested." I understand that it left you wanting more, and I'm truly sorry for any disappointment it may have caused.

To make up for it, I've written a special apology chapter just for you. Introducing Chapter 8 "A Twist of Fate".


Deku's POV:

After the date I had planned with Kacchan got canceled I was really disappointed but I couldn't bring myself to blame the Bakusquad. Kacchan and I had been distant due to our intense training, so that date was really important to us. However, the Bakusquad missed Kacchan, and besides, we could always reschedule our date for later.

After that the Dekusquad called me over, and Tsuyu suggested going to the arcade. We all agreed, so we headed back to our dorms to change. I finished changing and sat on my bed, texting Kacchan. He sent me a message saying that Mina kept dragging him from store to store. I chuckled, imagining the sight of Kacchan being dragged around by Mina. I was about to text him back when someone knocked on my door. I expected it to be Todoroki, as he had offered to pick me up, and I had accepted.

To my surprise, when I opened the door, it was Uraraka. "Hey, Uraraka," I greeted her. "Hey, Deku-kun," she replied. I remembered how Kacchan hated it when she called me Deku. "Um, could you not call me Deku?" I asked. "Why not, Deku-kun?" she questioned. "I just want you to call me Izuku," I explained. "Oh, okay. I understand," she responded. "Thank you," I said, relieved. Now Kacchan won't keep telling me I need to do something about her calling me Deku, I thought, chuckling. I recalled the times when Kacchan would start lecturing me about how he didn't like how she called me Deku. Now I needed to tell him that I didn't appreciate it when Mina calls him Bakubabe.

"Um, Izuku," Uraraka interrupted my thoughts. "I wanted to talk to you before we go to the arcade," she said. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked, curious. "Let's talk in your room," she suggested. "Oh, um, sure," I agreed, wondering what could be so important. I let her in and closed the door behind us. "So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked, turning around. But when I turned around, Uraraka surprised me by grabbing my face and pulling me in for a kiss.

"I... I like you, Izuku," she confessed, looking into my eyes. "Can you be my boyfriend?" I couldn't find my words. I wanted to reject her because I was dating Kacchan, but I also didn't want to hurt her. I sighed and gently grabbed her hands, putting them down to her sides. "Listen, Uraraka, you seem like you would be a great girlfriend, but I'm already taken, so I can't date you," I explained in the nicest way I could think of. I looked into her eyes, and to my surprise, she started crying.

"Why are you crying? I'm sorry if I hurt you," I said, concerned. "No, no, it's okay, Izuku. I understand. I'll leave now," she managed to say through her tears. She walked towards my door, opened it, and left. I just stood there, watching her leave. Now I felt terrible. I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling the weight of guilt settling in.

"I should probably tell Kacchan," I said, sighing. But before I could even process my thoughts, Kacchan's voice interrupted me. "Tell me what, Deku? And why was Pink Cheeks crying when she left your room?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity and concern.

I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts before responding to Kacchan's questions. "Kacchan, it's not what you think," I started, my voice filled with unease. "Uraraka came to talk to me, and she confessed that she has feelings for me. I told her that I couldn't date her because I'm already in a relationship with you."

Kacchan's eyes widened in surprise, and his expression shifted from curiosity to a mix of anger and hurt. "What? She likes you? And why the hell would she cry if you rejected her?" he demanded, his voice laced with frustration.

I sighed, trying to find the right words to explain the situation. "I think she was just caught off guard, Kacchan. She didn't expect me to already be dating someone, and it hurt her feelings. I didn't mean to make her cry, but I had to be honest with her. I didn't want to lead her on or hurt her even more in the long run."

Kacchan clenched his fists, his jaw visibly tensing. "Damn it, Deku! Why does this always happen? First, it was Todoroki, and now Uraraka? Can't they see that you're mine?" he growled, his voice dripping with possessiveness.

I stepped closer to Kacchan, placing a hand on his arm, trying to calm him down. "Kacchan, it's not like that. I can't control other people's feelings, and I can't force them to stop liking me. But what matters is that I chose you, and I want to be with you. I love you, Kacchan," I said softly, looking into his eyes, hoping he would understand.

Kacchan's anger seemed to waver slightly as he stared back at me, his gaze softening. "I love you too, Deku," he muttered, his voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and relief. "But it's frustrating to see others trying to get between us. I don't want to lose you."

I wrapped my arms around Kacchan, pulling him into a tight hug. "You won't lose me, Kacchan. We'll face these challenges together, and we'll come out stronger. Trust me," I whispered, pressing a gentle kiss against his temple.

As we stood there, embracing each other, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. Despite the unexpected turn of events, our love remained strong. We would face whatever obstacles came our way, knowing that our bond was unbreakable.


Hey there, my precious darlings! If you're curious about what Bakugo meant when he said Todoroki confuses his feelings, feel free to hit me up! I'll get back to you with an answer.😗

Word Count:1042

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