Fashion police at breakfast and the great pillow war

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Hazel pounded on my door, waking me up from my light sleep. "Wake up!" she shouted, as if I would still be asleep. "You don't want to be late to your boyfriend's party."

I was tempted to scream back, "he's not my boyfriend!" That would have been reasonable. But I didn't care. Hazel would have just teased me about it anyway, and it was too early. Looking at my nightstand, my clock read that it was 7 in the morning. The Thanksgiving party that I really didn't want to go to was 5 at night. Cutting it close, I sarcastically thought. By Hazel's logic, I should start getting ready for Christmas in July. Though tired, I didn't want Hazel to come into my room. That would not be worth getting a few extra seconds of sleep. And I knew that I would have to go to the party. Understanding that if I didn't go, or at least tried not to go, Hazel would make sure I ended up at that party one way or another. Her exact words. Hazel was convinced that I needed to see my 'boyfriend' and spend some more time with him. Ugg, sometimes she was so annoying.

I drowsily got up, and walked downstairs to make myself a cup of coffee. Hazel started to tease me. Not about something that made sense, but the most random things, like my shirt that I had worn to bed had a lot of holes. Because, clearly, the fashion police are most vigilant at breakfast. Why did I have a sister again?

"Why are you in such a grumpy mood?" Hazel demanded for the millionth time. "Aren't you excited to see your boyfriend?"

I took a long, slow sip of my coffee, savoring the taste. I needed the caffeine if I was going to put up with this little twerp. "The party is in about a decade. And no, I'm not overjoyed to see him, since I see him almost every day."

Hazel sighed. "At least act excited," she wistfully commented. "You may not know his worth until you lose him," she shook her head, as if lost in memory.

Has something happened between her and Frank? I pondered. My mind jumped to Lexi. But before I had a chance to ask her about it, she interrupted my thought process.

"Are we talking about the same Will?" She demanded, a confused expression on her face. "You never speak about him like this. Did something happen?"

It was annoying how concerned she was. "Nothing happened," I put my mug down. Hazel frowned, as she walked over to where I was standing. She placed a hand on the counter, though she didn't reach, so after a few seconds she gave up and placed her hands by her side.

"Nico," she said. "This is not like you. Is something going on?" I rubbed my forehead, not wanting to lash out at her.

I leaned against the chair, and looked Hazel into the eye. "Nothing is wrong," I said, emotionless. I turned around, attempting to go to my room, but Hazel caught my arm.

She looked at me, desperately. "Neeks, I know you," she said sincerely. I yanked my arm from her grip, not wanting to be a part of this conversation anymore.

Walking out of the room, my back turned to Hazel, I replied, "No, you don't." I headed to my room.

Up in my room, I sat on my bed, and put my head in my hands, sighing. I had screwed up, again. Like I always did. Like I always will do. What was wrong with me?

I got up, refusing to sulk. Walking to the bathroom, I forcefully yanked the handle back, making the water spray everywhere. I took a deep breath, and filled my hands with water, splashing it on my face. It was refreshing.

I heard a knock on the door. "Nico," Hazel gently whispered as she walked into the bathroom. "Come on. Don't ruin your day."

I sighed, disappointed at myself. "Thanks Haze," I let out a weak smile that she couldn't see, since I was facing the opposite direction.

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