Cereal, soup, or social disaster

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I wake up with a start. Sweat is dripping down my forehead, tears streaming down my cheeks. "Lexi," I cry out, hoarse. Great. I had another nightmare. About Lexi, again. All of my nightmares are about her. Thankfully, I can't remember the nightmare.

As soon as I thought that, Flash.

Lexi, on the floor, dead. Blood spilling out from her arrow wound. Me, trying to apologize. Hoping she'll forgive me. "I'm sorry Lexi," I cry out.

My nightmare is coming back to me. How lucky. And of course I'm saying sorry. It's probably my fault, just like it is in real life.

"Just a nightmare," I tell myself, trying to calm myself down with lies. "It's not real."

I decided to get up and get ready for school. It's not time to get up, but I need to. I'll see Nico today. That's a positive. Leo and him were hilarious yesterday. But, to ruin it by accident, I slipped up and called Nico sweet when he said Leo wasn't as annoying as he thought. Nico did not like it at all. I don't think he's ever been called sweet in his life.

I drive my siblings to school, where traffic jams the road. I finally get to relax by a tree, because there are still a few minutes before school starts, and I want to enjoy them without the stress of the day. A leaf falls, half yellow half green. I love fall. Everything is so beautiful and peaceful. You don't have the scorching sun blazing over you, and you don't have snow everywhere and you're not feeling like you're going to die of frostbite. In fall there's a nice breeze going, the leaves are changing color, and-

"Will," I hear a familiar voice call out, interrupting my thoughts. Looking up, I see Nico. He's hopping off his motorcycle.

"Hey Neeks," I say, happily.

Nico has bags under his eyes, and his eyes aren't open all the way. He looks exhausted. With Hazel gone, it's really taken a toll on him. I wonder if I look as bad as him.

"Hi. Any news about them?" He asks.

I know who he means by them. "No," I say, shaking my head. "I stopped by the police station on the way home from school yesterday."

He nods. "We'll find them." He says it with confidence.

I don't think so, I think, not deciding to voice my thoughts out loud. I've lost hope. Why have hope in the most hopeless situation?

The bell rings. I walk into my class, upset. We are never going to find them. Why keep on hoping? They are dead.

I should have hope. I mean, Lexi is my sister. I know her capabilities. She could survive. Could.

I try to pay attention in class. It doesn't work. My mind keeps wandering off, trying to figure out possible ways that Lexi could have survived. But every solution I have seems to have a problem. She should have come back by now.


I see her in the distance. I run, hopeful. But what I see is not something I like.

I try to ignore it. "Just a nightmare," I tell myself.

The teacher looks at me. "What was that William?" She asks. She always uses my real name. I absolutely hate it.

"Nothing," I say quickly. She is terrifying.

She raises her eyebrows. "Well, I certainly didn't hear nothing. Do you want to share it with the class?"

"No ma'am," I quickly say.

"Well, stop talking. You are interrupting the class."

Stop talking to me, I want to say. Just ignore me like you've done for the last 3 months.

My Angel  (Solangelo high school Au)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt