The great window escape because who needs doors

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"Reyna is gone?" Nico demands. He looks as scared as I feel.

"We encountered a bear, and had to split up. Now I can't find her."

Nico gasps in horror. So does everyone else. We were all imagining the same terrible thing.

"We need to find her," Percy says, even though he has a little doubt in his voice.

"Yeah, what direction did she go in?" Annabeth asks, still scared.

"She went south," Thalia says, trying to hold herself together. Reyna and her have been girlfriends for the longest time, and friends for even longer. I don't think either of them remembers a time when they didn't know each other.

So, we went south. Thalia cut down any branch that stood in our way with her machete. Every time she swings it, I back up a little, knowing that she's pretty angry.

We make it to a clearing, where Thalia tells us it's where the bear appeared. Trees are trampled, and head one way. Thalia tells us that she didn't get followed by the bear, so we follow the trampled path. After several minutes, there was a piece of fabric on a branch. Thalia picks it up.

"Must be Reyna's," she says, with hope in her voice. "I think it's best to split up to find her."

"No, we shouldn't split up," Percy says. "That's what caused Reyna to go missing."

"How are we supposed to find her?" Thalia demands. "This method isn't working. It won't work. We're taking too much time. She could be dead."

"She's not dead," Piper says. "You know that she's tough. She will survive."

Everyone nods. Reyna's tough. She could survive out here for months. Her emergency backpack (she hides it behind a tree in front of the school while she's in school,) is full with plenty of food, spears, matches, and much more. She could easily survive out here. She probably already killed the bear, and is just lost.

"Yeah, maybe," Thalia says, but with a little more hope in her voice than before. "Maybe," she repeats.


At school, I was playing Barbies with my friends, Lexi and Frank. Lexi is my best friend and Frank is my boyfriend.

So, I was playing Barbies. Lexi brought over this awesome unicorn toy with a big gem on its face. It's awesome.

Then, Lexi stood up. "Do you want to play hide and seek?" She asks.

"Sure," I say, and Frank nods along.

Lexi led us out into the woods. "I'll count!" She says.

Frank and I ran off. I hid behind a tree, which was starting to rot, and Frank hid behind a rock. My hiding spot was better.

Lexi looked up after she was done counting. She looked around, then headed behind the tree Frank was hiding behind.

"Found you!" She said.

She looked around some more. After my legs were exhausted, she finally found me.

"Frank, you count," Lexi said excitedly.

"1... 2...."

Lexi and I ran. But then the ground wasn't ground anymore.

We were falling! Lexi and I screamed, and then we hit the ground. We were in a pit!

"How are we going to get out?" Lexi asked.

"I don't know," I said sadly.

"We could try calling for Frank," Lexi suggested.

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