Leo's banana bonanza and my not-so-secret crush on Will

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(Before last chapter happened. Right when they decided that they should go home.)

I walked back into my house. I was just searching everywhere for Reyna, with Will and the others. When I got inside, my father was waiting for me.

"What are you doing home so late?" He asks.

"I went to look for Hazel," I said, more confident than I felt.

My fathers look is absolutely terrifying. It was a cross between angry and worried. His eyebrows are scrunched up, but his eyes... his eyes are filled with worry.

"Why?" He asks. "Why when you know that last time you almost died? Why?"

I look down. I just want him to scream at me. It would be so much better than this. Then I wouldn't know how much I screwed up.

"I went with my friends. We split up into teams, to watch each other," I reassured.

He sighs. "Who got hurt? Who went missing?"

"Reyna," I say softly, fighting back the tears. I will not cry, I told myself. I am stronger than that. I've cried enough since Will came.

Will! That's it. I go see Will. He's safety. I can relax around Will.

But my father kept talking. "Reyna," he repeated my words. "How badly did she get hurt?"

"She's missing."

"Ahh," he rubs his forehead. "I thought you said you were split up into teams?"

"A bear. It chased her and her partner off. Her partner looked for her, but she was missing. We all looked for her."

"So, she's gone?"

I nod. I don't trust myself to speak. Reyna's gone. I don't know if I'll find her. I don't know if I'll find Hazel. Or Lexi, or Frank. What if they are all dead?

My father sighs again. "Look, Nico. I don't want to have to tell you this. But stop looking for her. I've already accepted it. Hazel is gone. And she's not coming back."

I feel like I've been punched. Everything is dizzy. I look at him, my father. I looked up to him. I thought out of anybody, he would be the one that has the most faith. But he's giving up.

"How could you?" I demand, before running to my room.

I slam the door. How could he? I lay on my bed and looked at the picture of my mom. She looks beautiful. Just elegant. I'm in the picture, tugging on her sleeve. And Bianca is standing on the opposite side, smiling. It makes me smile.

"I love you," I say.

I could almost hear them reply, like both of them were saying I love you, too.

"I don't know what father is saying. Give up? On Hazel? Hazel? She's strong. She's still alive, somewhere."

They remain motionless. It's just a picture.

I remain in bed, trying to get some sleep. Nine came. I never noticed how much gray and black was used in my bedroom. It contrasts Will's brightly colored room, with yellow and blue and green. I don't think my room has even a little bit of yellow.

Will! Will can help me go to sleep. I climb out my window and scale down the wall, covered in moss. I hop onto my motorcycle, and ride to Will's house. I have the way memorized, not needing the useless GPS.

When I get to Will's house, I decide to climb up his house and enter through the window. That way, I won't wake up his parents.

Once I get up to his window, I see him in a deep sleep in his room. Should I wake him up? I decided to tap on the window. After I tap, he stirs. I tap again. His eyes open. I tap one last time, to make sure he knows I'm at the window. He gets up, and looks at me for a moment. He must have recognized me, because he opened the window to let me in.

My Angel  (Solangelo high school Au)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu