Jimin entered the kitchen as Jungkook was rearranging the bottles. "Oh. I was concerned that the two of you would fight. But, I think the fight you had was nothing to be concerned about, right?" Jimin wiggled his eyebrows. "Kind of." Jungkook replied. "Did you recover completely?" he asked, doubtfully. "Not yet. The doctor said to give time. And we were having drinks." Jungkook said, dusting his hands. "Just drinks?" Jimin asked. "Haha. Just drinks." Jungkook replied and took the ingredients from the refrigerator to cook the dinner. "Will Seo hyung be there for dinner?" he asked. "Yes. Do you think he will go and stay at nuna's home?" Jimin asked and Jungkook laughed. There seems to be some animosity between these three brothers and our family." Jimin said. "Haha. That's true. But at least Yoongi hyung stayed at your home for a week. And Tae, he hasn't even stayed more than a night." Jungkook said, chopping the vegetables. "That's because he didn't have an option. I was at home during my pregnancy that's why. And Jungkook, he only stayed with me for a week after Soo's birth. Before that, he was traveling back and forth like he was coming for a business meeting." Jimin said to Jungkook, who laughed. "That's one of the reasons, I am unable to go home. He will be sulking if I stay more than a day." Jungkook pouted. "But, you never insisted on staying at your home." Jimin asked, draining the cooked noodles. "That's true. I can't.. Mm.. Sleep without his musky smell." Jungkook whispered and bit his lips, blushing. Jimin pinched his waist with a teasing grin. "Is that why, he always smells like you? Not the other way." Jimin, leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "Hyungggg. Stoppp it." Jungkook pushed Jimin shyly. "Haha. Jungkook. You are very bad at lying. Don't you know that?" Jimin asked. Jungkook blushed. "Can we go to my home once mom and dad are back?" Jimin asked. Jungkook nodded. "To make Tae agree to the plan is in your hands and Yoongi hyung, he will agree. I have the medicine for that." Jimin said. Jungkook raised his eyebrows. Jimin tapped his chest and winked at him. "Aish. Hyung. You have no shame." Jungkook said and placed the prepared food in the oven. "Haha. My Jungkookie, stop playing the innocent part. We three have already discussed our first night. Don't you remember it?" Jimin said. "Yes. I regret it." Jungkook said. "Really? But you were all ears when we shared our experiences." Jimin said. "I had no idea Nuna and you were so pathetic and shameless." Jungkook said, crossing his hands across his chest. "Mm. We were not until you came to this home." Jimin laughed as he ran around the kitchen, having been chased by a bunny. "Aa. Stop. I can't run anymore." Jimin said while crouching on the floor. "Ah. I am exhausted too." Jungkook said, leaning on the kitchen cabin. "Hyung. I am taking dinner to the room. Tae won't be able to come down." Jungkook said, arranging the food in the tray. "Oh, did he pass out?" Jimin asked. Jungkook nodded and took the tray before heading to the room.

Taehyung was immersed in a video when he heard the clock sound of the door. He immediately covered him with the duvet in panic and his phone under the cover. "Ah. Jungkook. Was it you? I was scared." Taehyung said and tossed the blanket to the other side and took the phone. " Dinner?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung hummed without taking eyes off the phone. Jungkook placed the dishes on the table and took the bowl in his hand before sitting near Taehyung. "What are you.." Aish. Don't you have shame?" Jungkook asked, glancing at the screen. "For what?" he asked. "To watch your husband's bl.wjob." Jungkook asked and slapped his hand. "I am watching my husband's. Not anyone else." he said. "Should we pierce your lips one more time? Mmm. In the center?" he asked. Jungkook scowled at him. "What about a nose pin, then?" he asked, opening his mouth for Jungkook to feed him. "No." he replied. "Hm. Jungkook, I want to buff up." he said, showing his biceps. "Why though? You are already fit." Jungkook gave another bite. "Then also. I want to cover your entire a.s with my body when you bend over." Taehyung said. "What do you meant by that? Are you saying my a.s is large like an elephant?" He asked. "Somewhat. Ouch." Taehyung rubbed his shoulder when he got a slap. "Jimin hyung asked if we could go to his home next week." Taehyung glanced at his face. "Nothing special. Just a vacation." Jungkook said. "Mm. Will his cousin sister, Euna will be there?" He said. "Don't know, why?" Jungkook asked. "Nothing. She is just an incredible piece to watch." Jungkook looked at his face. "Seriously. Ask Young hyung, if you have any doubt. Her t.ts is like a tourist spot." Taehyung said. "This much and she never covers it." He said, showing with his palms. "Eat it yourself." Jungkook shoved the bowl in his hands. "Ah, Jungkook. I was kidding." Taehyung held his biceps, when he was about to leave. "Seriously. I said it is good to watch it. And do you think there are any other b..bies that could satisfy my hunger." Taehyung said when he found Jungkook's unwavering gaze on him. "See. He can't even move a bit but is still struggling to stand up only by thinking about these b..bies." Taehyung said, pointing at his crotch. "You.. You are so cheesy and p.rvert. Ah. I should file a divorce." Jungkook said, taking the bowl back from his hands to feed him. "Good. Will you take my d.ck as divorce settlement?" he asked. "Yes. I will chop it off. Haha." Jungkook laughed. "Haha. Then it's fine. I will think about it." He said. "You didn't tell. Can we go?" Jungkook asked. "Mm. If you wish, we can." He said. "Cool. Then, let's go. I like to see Jimin hyung's elder brother." Jungkook said and laughed aloud when he saw the frozen face of Taehyung.

" Jungkook said and laughed aloud when he saw the frozen face of Taehyung

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..to be continued..

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