Chapter V

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The Other Facet

At school the next day, Celestine couldn’t wait to share the exciting news with Avi and Sally about her budding friendship with Nathan. As they gathered during lunch break, Celestine’s eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she recounted her conversations with Nathan the previous night.

“Guys, you won’t believe what happened yesterday,” Celestine began, unable to contain her excitement. “I ended up talking to Nathan for hours, and we have so much in common! It was like we’ve known each other for ages.”

Avi and Sally listened intently, their smiles growing wider with each detail Celestine shared about her newfound connection with Nathan. “That’s amazing, Cel!” Avi exclaimed, her eyes shining with happiness for her friend.

Sally nodded in agreement, though a faint hint of something flickered in her eyes. “Yeah, it sounds like you two really hit it off,” she said, masking her own feelings behind a supportive facade.

As they continued to chat, Celestine noticed Sally’s subtle glances towards her and Nathan’s direction. While she appreciated Sally’s interest in her happiness, Celestine couldn’t help but feel a twinge of suspicion. “Is everything okay, Sally?” Celestine asked, her voice filled with concern.

Sally quickly plastered on a smile. “Of course, Cel! I’m just happy for you,” she replied, her tone slightly forced as she tried to brush off any hint of her own emotions.

Throughout the day, Celestine couldn’t stop thinking about the feeling that something was amiss. Yet, she can’t hide her excitement over her blossoming friendship with Nathan.

Little did Celestine know, Sally harbored a small affection for Nathan herself, though she had been keeping it hidden out of loyalty to her friend. As she listened to Celestine talk about her conversations with Nathan, Sally couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy tugging at her heart. Yet, she pushed aside her own feelings, determined to support Celestine in her newfound friendship.

After class, Nathan caught up with Celestine and asked if they could walk home together. Celestine agreed with a smile, feeling a flutter of excitement at the prospect of spending more time with him. As they walked, Celestine couldn’t help but notice Avi and Sally trailing behind them, their expressions filled with mischievous grins.

Ignoring her friends’ antics, Celestine turned to Nathan with a curious expression. “So, where do you live?” she asked, hoping to continue their conversation from earlier.

However, Nathan’s expression turned slightly evasive, and he avoided her gaze. “Oh, I live just a few blocks away,” he replied vaguely, quickly changing the topic to something else.

Celestine couldn’t ignore the feeling of curiosity about Nathan’s reluctance to share details about his life, but she decided not to press the issue, wanting to enjoy their time together without any awkwardness. As they continued their walk, Celestine found herself getting lost in conversation with Nathan, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow over their budding friendship.

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