Chapter 40 Spring Blooms

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The scarlet paint on the wedding palanquin glistened under the moonlight as it waited at the entrance of the temple. Compared to the countless palanquins that Ye An had been transported in as a member of the imperial family, this palanquin was fairly simple with only bright yellow tassels rimming the roof of the palanquin to compliment the bright red paint.

There were already a few men waiting by the scarlet box when Xi Chen exited the temple with Ye An in his arms. These men will be the ones bearing the wedding palanquin. Xi Chen carefully set Ye An's feet to the ground near the palanquin's entrance that was a red silk coverlet. Ye An immediately missed Xi Chen's warmth. A horse whinnied and shuffled nearby. Teacher Ruliang was holding onto the reins of a strong stallion that Xi Chen would be riding alongside the palanquin. But Xi Chen only had his eyes for Ye An as he guided her into the palanquin, one hand holding onto hers and another sweeping the silky red fabric of the palanquin's entrance  as she ducked and entered. Ye An felt Xi Chen's hand linger as he let her go and felt the loss of his warmth the second time. She could hear his murmured thanks to Teacher Ruliang before he climbed onto the horse. At his command, Ye An heard the clip-clopping of horse's hooves and felt the heave of the palanquin as it was raised by the palanquin bearers. 

For a while, all Ye An could feel was the swaying of the palanquin and all she could hear was the horse's hooves and the palanquin bearers' breaths. Ye An didn't even notice it when they had crossed the hills until the palanquin came to a stop and was laid down. She could hear the rustle of the silk palanquin entrance.

"We're home." Xi Chen said as he extended his hand into the palanquin so that Ye An could see it even with her veil on. Ye An couldn't help the upwards curve of her lips as she placed her hand in his because he is home. And she couldn't wait to tell him about it.

"You are my home, you know that right?" Ye An asked, her voice hushed, as the top of her head grazed Xi Chen's other hand that was holding up the fabric of the palanquin entrance when she stepped out.

Ye An felt a squeeze on her hand followed by the swish when Xi Chen let go of the fabric and cradled the back of her head and kiss her forehead. "You are my home too.", he murmured onto Ye An's veil. Ye An closed her eyes as the vibrations of his voice trilled from the top of her head to the ends of her toes. Her heart was so full that it felt like it could explode.

Xi Chen let go of her and declared in a rare show of boyishness, "Ah, I can't wait anymore. I need to be alone with you." One of palanquin bearers cleared his throat awkwardly. Before Ye An had the time to blush in embarassment, Xi Chen picked her up and she yelped. "Hold on tight, my night sky." Ye An could hear the smile in his soft voice and she smiled as she latched her hands together behind his neck.

With expert maneuvering, Xi Chen opened the door to the bamboo hut fluidly and with a quick flick of his ankle, closed the bamboo door shut. A few more steps and they were now at the canopied bed. With one side of his shoulder, Xi Chen pushed the canopy aside and placed Ye An down gently so that she was sitting on the bed that they've shared these past few months. Xi Chen stepped back but couldn't help himself from reaching out and planting another tender kiss on Ye An's forehead before finally taking in Ye An in her wedding dress. He was a bundle of nervous energy at the ceremony and didn't even really see her properly then. Now that they were alone, he had all the time to admire Ye An.

"Why are you not saying anything?" Ye An asked because she felt self-conscious in the quiet room, especially when her veil was still on and she could only see Xi Chen's boots in front of her.

THE DAY EMPEROR: 阳明王 【The Night Emperor Book 2】Where stories live. Discover now