Chapter 28 The Lake of Eternal Spring

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After the brief talk about Sze Chang, Ye An avoided the subject like a plague, but their walk continued. The head monk showed Ye An the different peaks and bows of the hills and mountains hugging the basin below. They passed by a hilltop that housed a maze of bustling and steaming kitchens which was connected to a vast mountaintop that overlooked the snowscape of the North's extensive territory. An open dining hall sat right smack in the center of that mountain with natural rocks dotted around it. Smaller pavilions that were scattered around were connected to the main dining hall through a network of waterways. Ye An's eyes gulped in the beauty of the calm landscape but couldn't hide her surprise about the running water that defied the nature of the season. 

Before Ye An could ask about it, the head monk already answered. "It's something our residents came up with. To put it simply, the water is heated and the troughs were dug in a way that they're of different levels, which moves the water around."

Ye An nodded in suppressed awe.

"And I heard that they did it because they wanted to hear the sound of running water when they dined." The head monk shook his head incredulously but Ye An could sense the pride in his voice as they continued their walk.

At their next stop, an entire bamboo forest was perched on one of the larger hills, the snow resting on the bamboo leaves sparkling as the sunlight passed through the gap between the bamboo stalks. As a breeze traveled by rustling the thin leaves of the bamboo, the head monk's steps came to a slow stop and he held a hand up which prompted Ye An to stop in her tracks as well.

"Close your eyes and listen." The head monk said as he closed his own eyes. So, Ye An closed her eyes and perked her ears. There was only the quiet sound of the bamboo leaves brushing against each other as the sunlight and shadow danced around both of them. Ye An's heart and mind slowly settled into a quiet place, her breathing became slower and easier.

When the wind died down, the head monk put his hand down and opened his eyes. When he spoke, Ye An's eyes opened as well. "This is where we come to meditate. It's where we come to heal when everything feels like it's going up in flames."

The head monk ended the introduction with a stare at Ye An that felt a little too long and a little too pointed. But Ye An merely nodded and cleared her throat before turning away.

The sun was a deep red when they finally arrived at the mountain where the main temple stood. It was the building that Ye An first saw when she left her assigned room. This close, the building was ginormous which was also a testament to the sheer size of the gargantuan mountain that housed the building. As they neared the bright red double doors that were studded with golden knobs the size of Ye An's palms, she could hear the chanting on the other side of the doors. The hum of the chantings reverberated in her chest.

"Here's our last stop. You could explore the other half of the mountains on your own leisure but they're mostly just residences." The head monk introduced as he stepped aside to show the interior of the temple. "Welcome to the main temple. The first building that started it all." The heavy doors yawned open to the main hall, and a gigantic bronze statue of a deity that Ye An had never encountered stood at the end of the hall. Right in front of the statue was what looked like a large cauldron that was carved to look like a lotus flower that was filled to the brim with sand. Lit joss sticks were stuck into the sand, standing proud and burning away. The smell of the incense swirled in the air and pricked at Ye An's nose with its spiciness.

THE DAY EMPEROR: 阳明王 【The Night Emperor Book 2】Where stories live. Discover now