Chapter 16 Reality

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As light snow flurried down outside, Ye An stilled. A tight numbness gripped at the crown of her head slowly spreading its claws down her body, holding her in place.

A coup. All she had ever known about that word was how it had brought catastrophe on the night when she was born.

It was also the night when her mother had died.

Ye An's heart dropped.

"Governess Hsu." She muttered. "H-how.. Where is she? Is she safe?"

Xiao Yan lowered her head at the question. A frown formed on the smooth skin between her clear brows.

Ye An swallowed, fearing the worst. "Is Governess Hsu safe?" She asked again, careful to enunciate each word.

Still, Xiao Yan didn't answer.

Something snapped in Ye An. She grabbed Xiao Yan's shoulders and asked again. "Where is Governess Hsu? Why won't you answer?"

Xiao Yan's gaze finally flitted towards Ye An, but she still struggled to bring those words out.

Ye An's grip on Xiao Yan tightened. Xiao Yan winced at the pressure.

Ye An let go of Xiao Yan abruptly. "Forgive me."

Xiao Yan shook her head, letting out a sorrowful sigh. She mustered up some courage and said. "The inner court was breached late last night and Governess Hsu tried to stop the intruders."

"No." Ye An abruptly turned her back against Xiao Yan. "No, it can't be."

"Her body was found this morning." Xiao Yan continued, her voice even.

"No." Ye An started to leave as if leaving the space where those words were said would make them untrue.

Xiao Yan held her tongue but thought better of it. "Your Imperial Majesty, I think you should know the whole story." She expressed quietly.

Ye An, still with her back to the group, didn't answer. Xiao Yan naturally took it as permission to continue.

"She was stabbed."

Ye An who was standing as if frozen just a while ago took another step away.

Unlike earlier, words were suddenly gushing out of Xiao Yan much like the rushing waters of a waterfall in early spring. "My source said that there were two stab wounds. One at the hip and another at the chest. The stab on her chest punctured her lungs. The alley where she was attacked was a quiet one and she wasn't sent to the physician in time."

"No. Stop." Ye An's voice cracked.

"Governess Hsu suffocated to deat-"

THE DAY EMPEROR: 阳明王 【The Night Emperor Book 2】Where stories live. Discover now