Chapter 15 Changing Winds

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Dear Adlai,

Time passes by so quickly that it has been weeks since you've returned to your homeland. Much had happened since then on my side that we shall talk about when we meet. But I hope this letter finds you well, not just in terms of your physical health, but in your heart as well.

I might have only spent a very limited amount of time with Chieftain Burat but I knew that he was a great man with a greater vision for our relationship as two nations. No even my grandmother could compete with him in terms of foresight. I had enjoyed your company during your stay with us and it would have not been so without his arrangement. It was refreshing to have a friend who I needn't worry about status and schemes with.

With that said, I do not believe whatever was happening right now was in any way your scheme. At least I hope that I know you well enough to know that you are surely not a willing participant in the situation that both our countries are currently embroiled in.

Since I trust that you have exhausted all alternatives to prevent this situation from unravelling, I am ready to let go of part of our northern region to trade as a token of friendship in return of maintaining the peace between both our countries. I am ready for negotiation tonight. You could bring whomever you think should be in the meeting.

I hope to see you soon. And please take care of Xi Chen for me while he's there.

Always your friend from across the border,

Ye An

Prince Adlai folded the piece of paper neatly when he finished and pinched the bridge of his nose. He sighed as Xi Chen looked on. Prince Adlai then slowly let go of the bridge of his nose. "I've tried many times. Many times, to stop what is going on." The prince halted to sigh again. It was as if he was carrying a burden so great that it was chipping away at him. "But it is as if my uncle was under His Im- Sze Chang's spell. Or maybe it's the haze from his own greed."

"Is Sze Chang really the grandson of the late Great Emperor Lee Gang?" Xi Chen figured out that if anyone was to give him a straight answer, it would be Prince Adlai.

"I'm not sure but it's probably true. If anything, I know that my uncle wouldn't jump into something if he hadn't done his research. He's the kind of person who would only join a plot if there is a guarantee of a reward." It was obvious in the way that the prince was speaking about it that he disapproved of Leader Wakhia.

"What did Sze Chang offer him that he's going to war for him?" Xi Chen asked.

"You mean going to war for them. General Shao is in it too. Uncle hasn't let me in on his meetings with Sze Chang and General Shao but fortunately, there are still some people who remained loyal to my great-grandfather. Like Master Akara here." Prince Adlai gestured to the master.

"May his soul be blessed with peace." Master Akara uttered solemnly with a hand placed over his heart.

Prince Adlai placed his hand over his heart as well before he put his hand back down and continued. "Apparently they promised my uncle that he would co-rule your country alongside them." The prince paused. "I assume your defection is a disguise of yours?"

Xi Chen nodded in affirmative.

"The promise for co-ruling is obviously a gimmick. I'm as sure of it as the sun surely rises from the east. Uncle Wakhia wouldn't admit this but he doesn't know them, or at least Sze Chang, as well as I do. There is no way in hell that he would co-rule with my uncle. It would be fortunate enough for us if Sze Chang and General Shao don't swallow the entire North with our troops along with it when this ends." Prince Adlai's eyes hardened but Xi Chen noticed that the prince was anxiously scraping the skin off his forefinger with the nail on his thumb.

THE DAY EMPEROR: 阳明王 【The Night Emperor Book 2】Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon