Chapter 17 Taut

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Hours felt like days.

The entire day passed by in a blur of angry red and clashing metal. Before anyone had realized it, the sun was already bidding its farewell on the far horizon. Ye An watched as if in trance as the setting sun cast its auburn glow onto the battlefield.

Despite the setting sun, there was no sign of the battle ceasing any time soon.

At least the wall hasn't been breached. Ye An thought to herself as she came back to and dodged yet another attack.

But Ye An knew that was merely a small feat in the throng of chaos that they were still engulfed in. At this rate, it was only a matter of time until the soldiers were worn out which would result in the eventual breach.

Earlier when she had exited the gate, Ye An went straight to the frontlines on horseback. And she was still there.

With streaks of dried blood marring her smooth face, Ye An tightened her grip on the reins of her horse with her left hand and wielded her sword with the other. She adjusted her posture so that she dangled off the right side of her horse stretching her torso as far as possible as she aimed for the hind legs of a grey wolf that was thundering by.

Her strike was true, but the only indication that the wolf felt any pain from the deep gash that Ye An had made was the small fraction of a flinch when her sword made contact. Its rider probably didn't even realize that his wolf was hurt.

These wolves were solely bred and trained for battle. With beasts such as these, there were only two ways that things could pan out. Either you kill it or you would be the one who ended up being killed. Ye An chose the first option.

She circled back and steered her horse towards the same grey wolf that was on its way to pounce on a ground soldier. The beast snarled with its jaws wide open and teeth bared. Ye An quickly sheathed her sword and pulled out the crossbow from her back, releasing an arrow just in time.

The wolf was only a couple of inches away from chomping the head of the soldier off when Ye An's arrow went straight through its eye. Unlike moments ago with the cut on its leg, the wolf howled and thrashed. The Northerner on the wolf whipped the wolf with a leather whip to bring order but that only agitated it even more as it bucked its rider off his seat.

Ye An galloped towards the Northerner and wolf at full speed. Putting her crossbow back where it was, she pulled her sword out again and aimed for the wolf's jugular this time. As the sword made contact, it was obvious to Ye An that she would need to put on more pressure to cut through the important vein there and she did just that. Fresh blood exploded towards Ye An. Without skipping a beat, she jumped off her horse and landed by the crumpled body of the Northerner who was thrown off his wolf.

Throughout the day, she made a couple of observations. One of them was that the Northerners had a myriad of weapons for destruction and those who wield those weapons had monstrous strength. The second, the Northerners who were riding on wolves were those with smaller frames and it was obvious to her that they haven't had much physical training as their brethren. At least not as much as Ye An had anyway. It didn't take much for Ye An to subdue the Northerner who also eventually met the same fate as his wolf.

THE DAY EMPEROR: 阳明王 【The Night Emperor Book 2】Where stories live. Discover now