Chapter 33 Serenity

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The next day, Ye An's life returned to normal, or as normal as it could be when sharing a bed with Xi Chen. With her head still nestled on the crook of Xi Chen's arm and enveloped in the warmth of his body heat, Ye An slowly stirred awake. She savored the feeling of Xi Chen's fingers brushing through her hair as her eyes blinked open sleepily and laid their gaze on him. Xi Chen seemed to have been awake for quite some time. Ye An wondered briefly if he had been watching her since then with those honey-colored eyes. She had to admit that something in her heart fluttered at the thought. Ye An shared a languorous smile with Xi Chen followed by a soft kiss on the lips. Xi Chen then planted another kiss on her forehead as she scooted closer to him. 

Ye An had thought that it would feel awkward to share a bed, and a blanket, with Xi Chen but it was all unnecessary worrying. Both of them were so knackered by the time they finished their meal last night that they fell asleep the moment their heads hit the pillow.

"Good morning." With his fingers still caressing Ye An's unbound hair, Xi Chen was the first to speak, his voice still husky from sleep. "I never realize how soft your hair is."

Ye An reached a hand out of the blanket and started playing with Xi Chen's hair too. "Says the man with silky smooth hair."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Xi Chen grinned and then raised an eyebrow. "Also, I didn't know that you snore in your sleep."

Ye An's hand left Xi Chen's hair to hit him on the chest. "No, I do not!"

"Oof!" Xi Chen immediately curled in on his wound.

Realizing what she had done, Ye An was immediately awake and clambered into a seating position. "My goodness! I'm sorry! How could I forget about your wound?!"

Xi Chen, while smiling through watered eyes, merely said, "I guess that's what I get for making a joke so early in the morning. Lesson learnt."

Ye An started to fuss about in concern. "Let me see. Is your wound alright? Are you bleeding again? Auntie Yu Lan is going to be so mad if you are." She gently pushed Xi Chen so that he was back on his back and started unraveling his top to inspect the bandage wrappings.

Xi Chen's lips curved into a smile of a thousand suns. He grabbed Ye An's fretting hands and placed it over the thick bandage draped across his chest. "I have to admit that watching you being so worked up about my wellbeing feels nice. I don't think I'll mind it if you hit me again as long as I get to watch you worry about me."

"Don't joke about that. I feel bad enough." Ye An frowned.

Xi Chen reached another hand out to smooth Ye An's frown lines. "Alright, alright. I won't joke about that. I'll listen to anything you say as long as we both shall live, my night sky."

Ye An didn't even have the chance to process the term of endearment that Xi Chen had casually tossed at her when a quiet knock was heard at the door.

"Let me get that." Reluctantly, Ye An left the cozy cocoon of Xi Chen's warmth. The reluctance was also mirrored by Xi Chen in the way his fingers held onto hers which he only let go when Ye An was absolutely out of reach.

THE DAY EMPEROR: 阳明王 【The Night Emperor Book 2】Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon