Chapter 23 Tyrant

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"I want them all dead."

Ah Lin lifted his eyes and shuddered at the blankness in Ye An's. They were both standing at the center of the commander's post with soldiers forming a loose crescent behind Ye An.

With the soldiers on her back and with her eyes still unfocused, Ye An continued coldly, her voice empty. "I want their heads on stakes."

Ah Lin shivered at the chill in her voice. Except for the soldiers who were part of the scout party earlier, the rest of them who had gathered were bewildered by the sudden command.

Ah Lin cleared his throat in an attempt to brace himself. "Your Imperial Majesty, forgive my brazenness. While I understand where you're coming from, and while I want them dead too, we're not in a position where we could act rashly. Not with our current numbers."

Ye An finally shifted her gaze and settle it onto Ah Lin, her eyes thinned dangerously. "So do you suggest that we sit and do nothing, Captain Zhang? After everything? After Xi Chen?"

Ye An's voice was threateningly low but cracked when she uttered Xi Chen's name. Ah Lin was immediately silenced, his breath stuck somewhere in the middle of his airway like the air had solidified as it traveled down.

"Get ready. We're going to battle." There was a menacing quietness in Ye An's imposing voice that didn't leave any space for objections.

The muscles on Ah Lin's jaw twitched as he gave Ye An a deep bow. "Yes, Your Imperial Majesty. As you wish."

Ye An started at Ah Lin's choice of words. She stared at Ah Lin for a moment before turning away from all of them.

The soldiers were ready in a matter of seconds. On the wall, longbow archers were stationed at irregular intervals. Besides being equipped with usual longbows and arrows, there were also catapults parked in between each archer with a bonfire, some rags, and buckets of oil readied by their sides to send balls of fires raining down the enemy lines.

The rest of the Northern troop were at the bottom of the wall, holding swords, short bows, and various close-range weapons. Some of them were on horseback while others only had their own two feet.

Ye An was on horseback at the front of the formation with Ah Lin by her side. This time, they were going on the offensive instead waiting for the Northerners to attack them. To hell with keeping peace. Look what it got her. Nothing. Nothing but continuous loss.

Ye An felt the deep rumbles of the heavy gates in her chest as they groaned open. She closed her eyes for a split second in hopes of centering herself before the battle but immediately snapped them open. She could only see Xi Chen's last moments when her world was all black. Ye An shivered despite the thick layers of clothing weighing her down.

She took a shallow breath, her breath forming white, smoky wisps before her as she kicked her ride and rode forward, eyes razor-sharp. "CHARGE!"

When Ye An saw the Northerners, she nearly took a double take. They had chosen exactly the same time to attack.

THE DAY EMPEROR: 阳明王 【The Night Emperor Book 2】Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora