Chapter 14 Delivery

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Sze Chang raised an eyebrow ever so slightly, the minuscule movement was not lost on Xi Chen.

However, Leader Wakhia didn't seem to notice it. His booming voice bounced off the tall walls of the tent as he said, "Well, then. Both of you could take this opportunity to be acquainted with each other. The future of the North!"

Leader Wakhia clapped on Prince Adlai's back vigorously as he said that. The sudden gesture surprised the prince who only nodded timidly in reply. Xi Chen was so preoccupied with the peculiar presence of Sze Chang that he only realized now that the prince was heavily guarded with a pair of heavy-set men standing close behind him. He also noted the lack of guards behind Leader Wakhia.

As if on cue, Leader Wakhia spoke to Xi Chen which made him returned his focus to the conversation. "Your name is Xi Chen? Do you have a Northern name?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

"Well, you should get one soon. I heard from His Majesty here that you'll be staying with us from now on, isn't it?"

"You've heard right." Xi Chen answered without wavering.

Leader Wakhia gave Xi Chen an approving nod before turning his attention to Prince Adlai. "Adlai."

Prince Adlai flinched again at the sudden mention of his name. "Yes, uncle?"

"Bring Xi Chen to the divination master after our meal. Your cousin here would need to be named since he'll be living here now."

"Yes, uncle." Prince Adlai lowered his gaze to the food in front of him when he replied.

Satisfied with the answer, Leader Wakhia returned his focus on Xi Chen. "You probably need guards as well."

"I don't thi-" Xi Chen started to refuse but before he could finish his sentence, he was unceremoniously cut off by the middle-aged man.

"Trust me, you'll need them. Even Adlai needs them."

Prince Adlai pursed his lips at those words. The tiny movement was the only act of defiance Xi Chen saw coming from the prince ever since he stepped foot on the North. The memory of Prince Adlai telling him and Ye An about the Northern custom of reigning leaders not having any guards with them to gain respect and political strength suddenly resurfaced.

By assigning guards to them both, Xi Chen realized that Leader Wakhia was effectively sending the message that they were not fit for leadership. That no one was fit for the leadership role except for himself who had zero guards trailing his steps. Realizing his scheme, Xi Chen couldn't help but to let out a small laugh.

"What's so amusing, Lieutenant Yun?" Sze Chang finally spoke again.

"Oh, nothing much. Just a funny memory." Xi Chen quickly lied.

Sze Chang's face darkened instantly, his voice as thin as newly-formed ice on the surface of a lake. "I'm glad that you have a memory you think so fondly of. Some of us aren't as lucky."

THE DAY EMPEROR: 阳明王 【The Night Emperor Book 2】Where stories live. Discover now