11. The king's help request

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Guard: Is this real? We spent the entire night fighting and they were just scout teams. They wanted to drop our morale.

Guard 2: Destroy everything...contaminate the water...I've lived in this city my whole life, and now they're telling us to burn down our own homes.

Guard: And not only that, look at how large the army is that is approaching the city. Is the count considering this?

Guard 2: The letter states that disobedience can lead to execution. If we don't act, they will crush us even if we request more help... I don't even know where my family is. *sight* There is no option.

Guard: I will return the letter to the count. Just stay here.

The guard returns the letter to the count and this one just puts it along with other papers.

Count Urzoras: how many are aware of this letter?

Guard: just me and another guard my lord.

Count Urzoras: here, give this paper to the captain, and tell him to have everything ready at sunset.

Guard: yes my lord.

The guard takes a paper with instructions for regrouping every soldier in the city castle, where the count will give an announcement regarding the orders of the axis. at sunset, all the soldiers regroup, and Count Urzoras reads the letter in front of everyone.

"Duke Urzoras Tiered, I am writing to you about the frontline in our war with Valardia.

As you may be aware, the Therabilia Axis has declared war against the Valardian empire. Our logistics division has located several Valardian scout teams across the frontiers of Witbuse, Calumia, and Losfeldia. At the time you read this letter, you may have engaged in combat with these scout teams located at the frontier with Calumia.

I need to inform you that the Valardians you have encountered so far are only scout and reconnaissance units. Their main objective was to create fear. However, the actual Valardian army is approaching from the west. We estimate that their infantry divisions consist of 200,000 soldiers on foot, including Spearman, swordsmen, and Musketeers. In addition, they have a cavalry division of 100,000 riders, heavy infantry with approximately 200 to 300 siege weapons, and air support with at least 200 adult dragons and 500 young dragons. More dragons may join their ranks soon.

The Axis has made a decisive choice to employ a recently devised, albeit harsh yet indispensable, strategy to halt the enemy's encroachment. Therefore, we command you to gather all available provisions and armaments, thereafter eliminating the surplus, including structures and fortifications. Engage in the deliberate destruction of crop fields, contaminate water sources, and raze any terrain within the border city of Betforge that could potentially aid the adversary.

The following order must be obeyed; failure to do so will result in severe consequences to both you and every soldier under your command, including the loss of all personal property, expulsion from the Calumian armed forces, demotion in rank, and possible public execution in the capital city of Agrantio.

Philas Matril, Chief Justice of the Therabilia Axis main Court

upon hearing the letter, the soldiers get angry at the decision of the Axis.

Soldier: what the hell is the Axis thinking?

soldier 2: we have lived and protected this city all our lives!

Soldier 3: we cannot leave! this is our home and we will protect it whatever the cost!

As the soldiers show their discontent, the firing of a musket can be heard in the air, with the captain shooting to the sky to call the attention of everyone.

Diaries of a nanodroid in TherabiliaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon