4. Bounty hunters guild

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Nano reaches the receptionist:

Receptionist: Hello, what can I do for you?

Nano: I want to apply for a hunter's license

Receptionist: I'm really sorry, but we do not give licenses to something that isn't 'alive'.

Said the receptionist while looking at Nano up down and nano knows what she's doing, he feels rage, but how, he's just a robot, could it be because of Aurora?

Receptionist: however, your master can apply for a license, so you can bri-

Nano: what makes you think I have a master?

Receptionist: well, someone must have requested your creation, but if your master has perished or has been incarcerated, I must report you to the city hall, so stay here while I call a guard to take you to the city hall.

Nano: first, I've never had a master, second, I just want to apply for a license, why i cant?

The other hunters start hearing the discussion and one of them gets near Nano, the hunter looks strong as a gorilla, with his imposing 2 meters of height.

Gorilla: hey, you stupid golem, didn't you hear her, the fuck outta here before I crush you.

Nano doesn't answer

Gorilla: what, can't you hear me, I said-

In a split second, Nano extends its hand toward the gorilla's face and swiftly brings it down, effortlessly overpowering the hunter and shattering the cobblestone floor beneath them. The sudden display of strength shocks everyone present, instilling a sense of fear and unease among the onlookers, as golems are typically viewed as mere servants without the capability for such raw power.

Hunter: What happened?

Elf hunter: look at the golem's arm there's fire in it

Unbeknownst to Nano, its intention was merely to silence the individual, but as it moved to strike, its elbow inadvertently transformed into a propeller, significantly amplifying its pushing force.

Nano: *in his head* oops

After that, a group of hunters gets close to Nano, with intentions of destroying him.

Hunter 1:well, look what we have here, you should've heard the lady and the big guy down there, get-out.

Hunter 2: or, we'll sell your weight in gold.

Nano, knowing he's on problems, activates his combat ai, transforming his arms in sabers.

Hunter 3:what the hell?

Hunter 1:you may have a bunch of hidden surprises, but I warned you, didn't I?

As both parts prepare to attack, the guild administrator shows into the hall.


Everyone remains quiet, and the receptionist explains everything, making the admin. change his red face to a confused one.

Admin: so you started everything, right?

Says pointing his finger to nano

Nano: yes, I'm sorry for the altercation here, and what I did to the floor, I can pay you if you want.

Admin: Conall *pointing to the gorilla* was the strongest bounty hunter I have, and I said was because now you are.

Receptionist: but sir, the golem doesn't e-

Diaries of a nanodroid in Therabiliaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن