12. The trial.

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Taran: noble title similar to queen or empress.


Nano goes to the center of the court and proceeds to explain the functioning of the musket.

Nano goes to the center of the court and proceeds to explain the functioning of the musket

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(Nano-1 breech-loading percussion cap rifle)

Nano: The Nano-1 breech-loading percussion cap musket features an innovative ignition system comprising a hammer and a cone. Within the cone lies a hollow channel extending into the rear of the barrel. Positioned atop the cone is a percussion cap crafted from copper and mercuric fulminate. Upon pulling the trigger, the hammer is released, striking the cap against the cone. This action initiates the fulminate, generating sparks that traverse the aperture in the cone and ignite the fire dust. Subsequently, this ignition sequence propels the projectile out of the barrel with remarkable force and precision.

Nano presents Mogens with an Iosfeldian musket, which operates via a unique flintlock system utilizing a stone infused with fire magic. With this weapon, Mogens demonstrates impressive proficiency, firing off three shots within a mere 60 seconds. However, Nano further astounds the court by entrusting Mogens with the Nano-1 musket, which enables him to achieve an astonishing seven shots within the same timeframe. This remarkable display of rapid-fire leaves the court in awe of the capabilities of the new musket.

Philas: did your creator make this new firearm

Nano: no, your honor, I did.

King Orpheus: it is true, your honor, he was the one who designed it, I saw the entire process.

Father Phalaung: here, Father Phalaung from Ingorkernian Theocracy, I talk regarding the production of these firearms, how big is the budget used to make this firearm?

Nano: probably 400 to 500 Vinosos.

Nano addresses the court, explaining the reason behind the low budget used in the research for the musket. He begins by introducing Edmond Behar, his creator, who was not only a skilled blacksmith but also a researcher in the fields of magic and alchemy. Behar made a groundbreaking discovery in a gold mine, identifying a peculiar substance he named mercury. Through his experiments, Behar found that when dissolved in nitric acid, a natural substance, and distilled, mercury produced a unique crystal.

Nano elaborates that ethanol, a simple liquor, was then added to this crystal, which was subsequently affixed to a small copper cap. He clarifies that he assisted Behar in his research, and upon Behar's passing, the responsibility and knowledge regarding the musket's production fell to him alone.

Nano assures the court that he is the sole individual aware of the intricate process involved in crafting these rifles. Moreover, he offers his expertise and support in the conflict with Valardia, proposing to construct additional weapons for the kingdom if provided with the necessary resources and support.

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