1. The scientist

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Planet Earth
Year 2238
Bratislava, Republic of Slovakia, The Commonwealth

On the planet Earth, where humanity originated, the origins of our existence remain a mystery. Some speculate it could be the result of a divine plan orchestrated by celestial beings, while others attribute it to the unpredictable forces of evolution. Regardless of the exact explanation, it's undeniable that humans stand apart from other species. Unlike creatures equipped with sharp claws or fangs, or the ability to navigate in darkness, humans possess a unique gift: cognition. This remarkable ability sets us apart, allowing us to think, reason, and innovate in ways that surpass the capabilities of any other species.

Humanity's reliance on cognition has been instrumental in our adaptation. Instead of solely depending on instincts, we utilize intelligence, innovation, and creativity to thrive. Rather than resorting to brute force with teeth and claws, we harness tools like stones and spears for hunting and defense. In place of relying solely on our eyes to navigate the darkness, we harness the power of fire, a cornerstone of human technology. Awakening our cognition was pivotal, as evidenced by the simple act of using a stone to open a clam, which revolutionized our approach to problem-solving and marked the beginning of our journey towards progress and advancement. This ongoing reliance on cognition continues to shape our world, driving innovation and making the seemingly impossible achievable with each passing day.

Throughout history, humanity has traversed inhospitable deserts, icy waters, and treacherous jungles, spanning every continent on Earth. We witnessed the rise and fall of empires, from the Mongol Empire's failed attempts to conquer the land of the Pharaohs to the burning of Jerusalem by the Romans. We saw the Spanish conquistadors establish their empire in the New World, the British dominance over the seas, and the American abolitionists' struggle against slavery. We remember the French resistance against Nazi expansion and the atrocities committed by the American government during the Vietnam War. We witnessed the disintegration of the USSR. Today, we stand amidst skyscrapers towering over a kilometer high and have developed cures for nearly all diseases. Yet, our aspirations extend beyond our planet as we yearn to explore the stars, not as separate nations but as one unified species – the human race.

*Loud clapping noises across the room *

After this, Professor Edmond Behar exits the auditorium of a middle school in Bratislava, once the capital of Slovakia and now one of the three capitals of The Commonwealth, he finds a seat at one of the tables outside. With a small box of chocolate milk from the cafeteria in hand, he begins sorting through some papers. Lost in thought, he focuses on one particular document when Mr. Adam, a fellow teacher, takes a seat beside him.

You did a good job inside there mr. Behar, says Adam, i thought the kids wouldn't understand a word of what you said according to the other speeches you had done in the past

Well, i made it simple and short so they could catch the idea; I've never been good at speech anyways, says Behar with a tone of indifference.

Well, at least you made an attempt, says Adam, Oh, speaking of it,I came across some surprising news today that even caught my wife off guard. Is it really true what the council claimed about the war on the Gobi frontline?

it depends of, tells him Behar, which part?

The new line of nanodroids the council will start creating to replace every type-Kedron with no exception, clarifies Adam

ah, exclaims Behar, understanding the question, that, well, its true.

We're discussing thousands, maybe even a million Type-Kedron on both frontlines. Isn't that a bit exaggerated? Asks Adam, Where would the council even get all the necessary materials? And the budget implications are staggering... You're the expert in this field, so I was hoping to get your perspective on it.

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