16. Western Therabilia

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Fulato: title similar to a bishop


The annexation of Eracleia and Witbuse, along with the occupation of parts of Akromis, marked a significant expansion of Valardian influence in Western Therabilia. As the Duchy of Eurebia and the Eparchy of Ephidrosia found themselves under increasing pressure from Valardia, their diplomats embarked on a journey across the Iroley Sea to seek aid from the Kingdom of Aberbargia.

Their plea for assistance, however, was met with rejection by the Axis, as their initial refusal to join the alliance left them with few allies to turn to in their time of need. Despite this setback, some countries within the Axis, having maintained trade relations with Ephidrosia and Eurebia over the years, opted to provide support in the form of resources and weapons.

This decision underscored the complexities of alliances and diplomacy in Therabilia, where pragmatic interests sometimes outweighed past grievances. The fate of Eurebia and Ephidrosia hung in the balance as they navigated the treacherous waters of geopolitical turmoil and sought to withstand the encroaching tide of Valardian expansionism.

In the patriarchate of Akromis, within the solemn confines of a Hellenic shrine, Inquisitor Didar kneels in prayer before a sacred painting depicting Enion, the revered mother and central deity of the Hellenic faith. Lost in contemplation, he seeks solace and guidance from the divine presence.

Interrupting the tranquility of the shrine, a minor priest cautiously enters, bearing urgent news from the frontline where Akromis face the relentless advance of Valardia's forces. However, out of respect for the Inquisitor's reverent moment, the priest waits patiently until Didar concludes his prayers before delivering the critical missive—a message poised to alter the fate of Akromis in the ongoing conflict.

Minor priest: inquisitor Didar, we have received a letter from the frontline, it was brought by a decaying soldier, we took him to the Shrine nursery, but he died before telling us anything.

Inquisitor Didar: take me to the body, are you sure he is dead?

minor priest: yes Inquisitor, let me take you.

Guided by the minor priest, Inquisitor Didar arrives at the nursery where the fallen soldier lies in repose. Upon beholding the grim sight, his countenance twists with a mixture of shock and horror. The faun's body bears the gruesome marks of battle—multiple firearm wounds mar his flesh, creating ragged holes in his chest and abdomen. These injuries, coupled with numerous sword cuts and fractured bones, paint a vivid picture of the brutal combat he endured.

Examining the body with a trained eye, the Inquisitor discerns the fatal wounds that led to the soldier's demise. Internal bleeding, stemming from damage to vital arteries, had proven insurmountable. The accumulation of blood in the chest cavity, along with a collapsed lung, had hastened his demise. Notably, a vicious sword cut had breached the armor, severing intestines—a testament to the ferocious strength wielded by the assailant.

Inquisitor Didar's mind races as he contemplates the implications of such injuries. The sheer force required to inflict such damage hints at a formidable adversary—perhaps one of the fabled Valardian golems rumored to roam the battlegrounds. With a sense of urgency, he resolves to delve deeper into this unsettling revelation, recognizing the gravity of the threat posed by these formidable foes.

Inquisitor Didar: have you recognized the soldier?

minor priest: yes inquisitor, his name is Prippath Vak, a faun who served in the 11th infantry battalion, which was sent to the frontier in the Poriatia territory to help the 1st frontier guard division.

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