"About that, I may have an idea on how we can set up a trap." Satomi said with a calculating face. "It might just not involve you talking to Cocolia and leaving AE temporarly after all."


"This isn't what I ment with tricks!" Kiana said loudly as she did another push up, finaly hitting the one thousand mark.

"I mean it's kinda comfy up here." Rozaliya said as she and her twin held heavy Mech parts in their small hands, making for an additional weight of about a ton.

Fu Hua was at the same time training with Seele. "Neither the Honkai nor our enemys play fair. Look for weak spots, explore them and strike at the right time." Hua explained.

Seele swung her dummy scythe at Hua, who dodged with ease and attempted to land a strike in Seele's face. The much smaller girl used her momentum to spin around while ducking, aiming her swift spinning strike towards Fu Hua's legs. The phoenix jumped up, not wanting to kick at Seele's head, she instead had chosen the small girls right hand as her target.

Not knowing how to dodge the attack otherwise, Seele teleported behind
Fu Hua and swung her scythe, almost hitting her. Hua had a feeling that the strike would come and took a step forward, leaning down which got her back out of Seele's strike.

It was almost like a dance of some sort, Seele always tryed to land a hit but Fu Hua was too swift and experienced to not spot the strikes coming, all while the phoenix tryed to land a hit herself but found the teleportation ability and flexibility of the young girl quite strong.

A few minutes after they started the match the young butterfly started to get exausted, which became notable in her movement and performance.

With a swift upper cut placed correctly the young girl fell to the ground and dropped her weapon. Seele tryed to grab it but Fu Hua stepped on the snath and flicked Seele's forehead.

"I win." Hua declared.

"Hmpf." Her other self only made a frustrated sound.


Welt was sitting in his office, Bronya standing at his side. He had offered her a chair but she prefered to float over the ground.

"We work on a tight budget, I always need to carefully think who to give what amount of money every month." Welt said and rubbed his eyes.

"The medical units have send in many formal complaints about an alarming shortage of pain medication and first aid kids." Bronya stated.

"True, we can't let this stand this way. I will order as much of them as I can to fill up the storages." Welt said. "Oh, there is also a formal complaint about the Mech units being to loud in the dorms."

"I'll later look into it." Bronya said and let Project Bunny write a note for her.

"Thank you. Now, the combat units have send in no complaints or worries about possible shortage. They should be fine if they work on normal budget this month, which means we can hopefully give some money to some charity organizations." Welt said, hope glimmering in his eyes.

Someone knocked on the door. "Come in." Welt said. The door opened and Satomi and Theresa walked inside togheter.

"We might have a plan to set up a trap for the World Serpent, Mei especialy." Theresa said.

"Why should the principal want to set up a trap for sister Mei?" Bronya asked.

Theresa and Welt looked at eachother. "Theresa has spoken out concern about your sister, and I agreed it would be best to give her one last chance to join us again. If she doesn't agree I fear we have to arrest her." Welt said carefully, noticing the sad expression of Bronya.

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