
I was so confused. Blevine was making no sense. Just like Conri was on the night of the party. Talking in riddles. A mixed up jumble of words.

Squeezing her fingers, I frowned. "I don't know what you're talking about. Alaric has to tell me what?"

She heaved a sigh, bringing my hands to her chest. She seemed to think for a little while as she chewed on her bottom lip. I could feel my heart pounding in anticipation, already not looking forward to what she had to say.

It was bad. Whatever it was ... I knew I wouldn't like it.

"Okay." Blevine sighed, her eyes peering into mine. "Okay, Radley. I'll tell you. But ... please let me tell you everything before you ask questions. There's a lot to take in. A lot to think about. Just ... don't be scared. No one will hurt you."

My scalp prickled and I felt a bead of sweat run down my back.

This really didn't sound good. Whatever it was ... it sounded serious. Was there something wrong?

Letting go of my hands, Blevine scooted further along the sofa until she was pressed flush to my side, and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

Offering me a small smile, she leaned in close, her mouth almost at my ear. "Radley, the thing about us is -"


My name was shouted from the hallway, snapping my attention from Blevine to the door.



Glancing over at Blevine, I watched as she pulled away from me and rose to her feet, her hands balled into fists at her sides, her face blank of emotion. Getting up to stand next to her, I watched as the door was thrown open and Claudia stormed in, her face a mask of pure rage, her grey hair sticking up in all directions around her face.

"There you are!" She pointed at me as she stomped across the floor. "I've been looking all over for you."

She reached over and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards her. "It's time to go," she growled at me. I was too startled to move.

It was the first time I'd seen her like ... this.

"Now, Claudia." Blevine reached over and placed a hand over Claudia's. "Everything is okay. Radley and I were just -"

"No, it's not okay," Claudia snapped at Blevine, then sliced her eyes to me. "I thought you were in town with Alaric, not sitting around this place."

"I was in town earlier." My voice came out as a squeak, my hands shaking from Claudia's sudden outburst.

"Alaric was called away by Conri." Blevine's warm hand enveloped my free one. "So I was just making Radley feel welcome." She looked pointedly at Claudia. "As are you. You are both welcome in our home."

"Since when?" Claudia snapped and she tugged on my hand fiercely, yanking me away from Blevine.

"Always, Claudia. You have always been welcome."

Claudia ignored her and instead pulled me across the room by my hand, yanking me towards the door, the grip on my fingers hard, the strength in her arm even harder. She was panting as she tugged me along, determined to march me right out of the house.

"Claudia," I called her name, but she ploughed on, leading me through the open door and into the long hallway.

"Claudia." I tried to pull my hand from her grip, but she held on, her hand squashing mine.

"Claudia, please." Blevine was following us, pleading with Claudia. "Stay here. Let us help Radley. Let us help you. It's long overdue."

Claudia spun around, her eyes narrowed, her cheeks flushed. "No, Blevine." She pointed a finger at the other woman. "It's not safe. You know that."

"But Conri said -"

"Conri knows nothing!" Spinning on her heel, she yanked on my hand, almost pulling me over.

"Come along, Radley." Claudia snapped. "It's time we went home."

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Blevine through blurry eyes as she stood in the hallway, her grey eyes sad. She wrapped her arms around her waist as she watched us go. Just by the look on her face, I knew she really didn't want us to leave.



They just wouldn't stop coming.

Wiping at my wet cheeks, I turned over on my bed to look towards the window. I'd opened it a little, and a gentle breeze was blowing the curtain, making it flutter against the glass.

After Claudia had stormed into the mansion and pulled me away from Blevine, she'd continued to drag me all the way home, stomping her way along the walkways, anger fueling her steps.

Everyone we came across had stopped to stare as she'd pulled me along, snapping at me, telling me to keep away from the mansion. Away from Conri and Blevine. Away from Alaric.

Nothing she'd said seemed to make sense. I had always thought that we were pushed to the edges by everyone else. That no one else wanted to have anything to do with us.

But it seemed that it was Claudia who was keeping us away from everyone else. It had seemed that Blevine wanted to make an effort, but Claudia ...

Once we were back home, Claudia had yelled at me again. Told me I wasn't to leave the house. She kept telling me, over and over, that it wasn't safe at the mansion. That I had to keep my distance from Blevine, Conri and Alaric ... especially Alaric.

She never answered my question when I asked her why. Her anger kept coming out in shouts, the slam of a door, the point of her finger.

I ... couldn't be in the same room as her. She was so angry that the atmosphere seemed prickly. Static. Heavy.

So, I'd holed myself up in my room. Away from her anger. Her shouting.

Rolling on to my back, I stared at the ceiling, the shadows caused by the bedside lamp dancing across the room.

Night time had soon come around, and Claudia hadn't been to check on me. Hadn't spoken a word since I'd come upstairs. And now she was in bed. Probably asleep.

Whereas I was wide awake, question after question rolling around in my mind.

Why was Claudia so angry? What wasn't she telling me?

What had Blevine wanted to say? She'd said that something was being kept from me. Something about her, Conri and Alaric. What was it?

A knock to the window.

Wiping at my eyes once more, I sniffed, then shifted so I was sitting up in bed. Orion said he would visit tonight and I couldn't wait to see him. I wanted to ask him if he could take me to the city, away from this house.

Away from Claudia.

Swinging my legs over, I placed my socked feet on the floor and watched as a figure moved about outside the window. Straightening out my hoodie, I checked the pocket to make sure I had my house key, just in case. I mean, I didn't plan on staying out all night ... but I didn't want to stay inside the house either.

I could lead Orion through the house and out of the front door ... to hell with Claudia if she tried to stop me.

A hand pushed my window open further and I stood up, smoothing down the front of my jeans, then wiping my hands down my face once more.

The figure shifted again and I saw a pair of silver eyes peer into my room.

It wasn't Orion on the other side of my window.

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