Chapter 21 Cowardly lion

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Inside the transport rowan and his team Left to haven to deal with an incident going on.


Simon: " Haven academy, why?

Ozpin: " Your headmaster leo, I suspect, is working with a dark force.

Rowan: " Salem.

Glynda: " Correct, the best thing we can do is try and stop her from working with him and capture him.Find out what he knows.

Simon: "Will be fine, professor. don't need to worry.

She smiles and nods her head, rowing. Rowin smiling back at him, knowing that the faster thought of him than adopted son.

Ozpin: " Please be careful all of you. Salem is not someone to take politely if you see her.Do not engage and get here as fast as you can.

Everyone knows and goes to the transport. Leaving glynda goodwitch worried.

Flashback ends

Everyone made it safely to haven with a lying heart welcoming them.

Leo: " Greetings, team Kingdom.I'm the headmaster of the school Leo lion heart. What can I do to help you.

Rowan: " Black queen.

Headmaster goes dead silent but invites them in unless it may go in to this office.Everyone surrounds him pointing the weapons at him.

Luke: " Headmaster Leo lionhart.We place you under arrest for acts of treason against the four kingdoms of I meant and for working for salem.

Emerald: " Don't bother.I already gave them infoon what you've done.

Headmaster knew he was finished a grim.Taken the shape of a look like a jellyfish appeared and both easily blasted away by rowan with a fireza spelled.

Leo: " You don't get it.She can't be killed.She's immortal no one can kill......

Rowan: " By conventional means no, but our weapons are not conventional.Keyblades can harm her. I've done so already.

Headmaster looked shocked hearing this. And Luke put cuffs on to him.And they dragged them out as may as soon ask questions to each other.Wonder what was going on.As you was putting to a transport with them and flew off.

Leo: " You have no idea what you're doing.You should join her.Those you love will be spared.I promise I'll talk to......

Luke: " You're wrong, it doesn't work like that.She doesn't care about anyone by herself.Just like the headmaster you're being taken away to a prison in atlas.

Leo: " What butthole is going to be...

Simon: " You think we trust him no, General Winter has agreed to put you in a prison cell right by raven branwen. I'm sure you took me quite acquainted with.

Headmaster tried to struggle, but he immediately landed not move long after and when he was forced out.The door and grabbed by an Atlas.Soldier winner smirked as he was forcefully dragged into their transport.

Eric: " Thanks again, guys.I'm glad we can probably put an end to this war for good.

Rowan: " Yeah we have to make everything look like an accident you got plan?

Out of nowhere a rocket blew up their transport. Shocking everyone As clover appeared with the rocket and nodded his head.

Winter: " We'll make it look. Save them attacked and destroy the transport with you guys escaping barely and then line heart being killed unimpact.

Neo: " That sounds like a good plan.

Luke: " I agree boy better make it look convincing.

They're all went to the transport as netless team made fake injuries and what not , and when they got to beacon explained what had happened with ozpin , being none the wiser.

Ozpin: " That is unfortunate to hear, but there's nothing we can do about now.Go get some rest.We've earned it.

They knocked their head easily.Get back to their dorm with simon's sign to go with ruby and her team to vale spend some time with his girlfriend.

Back in the dorm

Rowan: " I think he wasn't that illusion spell up.He was none the wiser.

Luke: " Let's just hope he doesn't find our plan.

Neo: " We'll be fine as long as we stick together.

Emerald: " I agree, as long as we all work together.We should be won't know what's going on until it's too late.

Everyone nods their head and goes to their own rooms with Rowan.Laying down with emerald cuddling next to her.

Emerald: "I love you rowan.

Rowan: " I love you too Emerald.


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