Chapter 17 Raven's Fall

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It's been a few days since Simon passed the mark of mastery I was considered a new keyblade after seeing the change it was keep late it repair date at grew on its own along with him as conviction. Now the keyboard wielders We're heading to mysterol to deal with an isspecifically the Bronwyn tribe seen the crimes have committed they cannot overlook this and were asked by Winter to take him down seeing the situation when I lose anymore soldiers which they agreed to. However, they asked for the asops to come and help for actual support.

Luke: " OK when this boy got from Winter apparently raven had taken the Spring maiden is assumed dead I'll drop a job to take down her tribe and take her with us without her leadership the tribe will fall.

Simon: " She's also Yang's mother She's be captured and not can deal with her also if you seen a grim dragon of any size be weary that most likely as her former husband tie turned it one of the heartless.

Clover: " Are you saying that Rowan's former father is now one of those hardless creatures? How big are we talking.

Rowan: " About the size of Beacon tower and far more deadly than all 4 maidens put together. Mean to other Cuba masters Bailey ray up to the feet him we had gotten lucky that we overused a spell that blasted him and sent him flying.

They stopped and realized just how dangerous this heartless is and agreed to let the 3 of them handle it.

They arrived miles away from the tribe taking a number of outpost towers that they had set up along the way around nightfall they each had surrounded the agreeing to self a firework and freeze the giant campfire they had as a signal to begin.

Luke: " In 3.....2.....1.......Go!

Simon blasted the big fire into ice shattering it taking out a light source as the asops of the free keyblade wielders had taken out multi members of the tribe and clear a girl that they had learned from Winter name for Noel which was assumely the Spring maiden.

Luke: " Everyone, this girl isn't the maiden. I don't sense any magic from her.

Luke then sent back by raven as her eyes were glowing, signifying the magic of one of the maidens.

Rowan: " Raven, I'm only gonna say this once because you're Yang's mother surrender now.

Raven: " The week die and the strong live. I should have killed you years ago when I had the chance.

She activated her maiden power and clashed with Rowan but was stopped in her place, and she made the salt wire, and so her body was held together thanks to Simon, who used puppetry to control her.

Simon: " Who wants to see a raven dance.


uthor note (if anyone knows where this is from, then you are a true dragon ball fan).

Raven blushing: " D..damn it st....stop, please

Raven blushed with the asop, somewhat snickering until clover clapped his hands.

Clover: " Simon, as much some very amused by this, would you stop playing with our prisoner.

Simon: " Sorry, figured i have some fun.

At the fine making her stop, 2 transports arrived. Which had Winter inside one of them as she walked up to raven, who looked at her anger.

Winter: " Don't bother resisting. We know you're working with Salem, so fess up.


aven: " The strong live in the weak dive general by the time you fight realize that it will be too late.

Rowan walked up to her, seeing her defeat her face, and start laughing slightly. Ever looked at him like he was crazy until he looked towards Raven.

Rowan: " If that's the case then you yourself the week can't be strong have you stand up for those who can't protect themselves make you even stronger by a time you finally realize that it is already too late. I'm sorry you are so twisted in this mentality raven. Honestly, all I feel for you is pity.

Luke: " He's right. You don't know the meaning of love or compassion, and that is why you lost today.

Simon: " The heart can be weak and Can fall into darkness but by embracing the darkness and turning into light can you truly be strong unfortunately you did not realize that and that is why you have fallen raven I hope all of this was worth losing everything.

Raven angry tries to attack Simon in her bonds but fails as he uses his powers to place her inside, and she is placed into a small box, which negates her powers as both her semblance and maiden power.

Winter: " Good work, everyone, especially U key blade wielders. ironwood was wrong about you. You truly aren't the hope this world needs, and I hope that Atlas can offer our services to do so.

Rowan: " I agree you've more than made up for everything I'm with a stun I never got to meet your grandfather but from what I've heard he was good friends with master yen sid and I believe he would be proud as well.

Winter smiles and nods are head as everyone gets on the transports and heads to Atlas in order to place raven and her bandits away for good. However a tall muscular man grunted angrily watching raven and her tribe taking away and he walks away.


Author Note: Hope everyone enjoyed this little chapter I'm hoping to revise this book and continue writing with it there will be some similarities to the original storyline of ruby and some other bits so I hope you all enjoy so far I continue reading.

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