Chapter 5 Unwelcomed guests and Tour

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A week is passed since the encounter with cinder and Mercury. Emeralds given the full detail of their original plan want to hack into the CCTV footage and take control over the Atlas robots that would be coming for the festival so i spend reported to James and told him not to bring them. If he does he would have trouble with the council who also informed of this and they told the Atlas council.

As for the rose family they came by to force Rowan back.  All of them except for ruby besides heads your team which was dubbed team HEART since they were the very haert Beacon and often the nicest people there.

Summer: "I still can't believe ruby wouldn't help us.

Tai: "He didn't hurt rolling like we did or at all for that matter but maybe we can convince him to forgive us.

When they got to the dorm their jaws hit the ground seeing how big it was.

When they got to the dorm their jaws hit the ground seeing how big it was

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Sarah: " May i help you.

Tai: " We would like to speak with Rowan rose.

Sarah: " I am afraid the  Person you looking for is named the rolling Nikos not rose.


After Yang snapped Sarah knew who they were.

Sarah: " So you are the people who abused my son hes not here and if he was iwouldn't tell you. Now leave the property or will call professor ozpin to have you removed by force.

As she turned from them Yang grabbed her arm and forced her to look at Yang as the family smiled at her.

Tai: "Tell us where he is or things are going to get rough.

Sarah: " I won't sell my son out you monsters do your worst.

Raven was about to cut her head off when suddenly a keyblade stopped her and they love to see Rowan was there with one swipe sent raven back as qrow caught.

Rowan: " Get your filthy hands off my mother.

Instantly Rowan went and grabbed yang's arm forcing her to let Sarah go then kicked her in the stomach sending her back.

Raven: " How could you attack your older sister like that.

He went to attack Rowan bow stop by Simon and his keyblade which sent her back as ruby stood next to him.

Tai: " You must be Simon navy. Ruby as your father I'm telling you to break up with him now.

Ruby: "No.

Everyone was surprised to hear ruby talk back to tie who looked at her angry.

Tai: " Excuse me you don't talk to your father that way. Your coming home now forget being a huntress you can't respect your family. I forbid you to be a huntress.

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