Chapter 18 Mothers Love

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Sometimes it's gone by since raven's capture she had not given up any information and was locked away in a dark cell I've got them 24 hour surveillance with mounted guns point to her in herself as she couldn't escape. The rest of a tribe was put into the mines to work for Winter's family. Since it is sad to use that as labor for the criminals. Right now Simon was with ruby as he was having A-day off from guarding the festival and was spending it with ruby and pass But ruby wanted to start a conversation she never knew about Simon to pass and was curious.

Ruby: " Simon, how would you become a student of Beacon anyway?

Simon stopped deadness tracks and looked towards his girlfriend.

Simon: " My parents were abusive to me similar to how your family was the Rowan they would use me a slave labor and they'd me sit inside an old barn which we kept our animals with a rusty sight and knife to guard them from the grim at 1 point my mother tried to rape me.

Ruby gasped hearing her boyfriend's story. I see without anyone looking rolled up his short, somewhat revealing multiple scars, and even Burns then rolled it down.

Simon: " Afterward, I was saved by Luke and Rowan. Before I turned into a heartless, my parents were forbidden to come anywhere near me. Afterward, all hunts were verified what happened, and they couldn't hire anyone to guard their barns they were forced to leave and find someplacees and start a new life. I haven't heard from them since, but honestly, I don't care Luke, rowen, Neo, Emerald, they're my new family, but more importantly, you ruby.

Her be blushed, squeezing her boyfriend's hand and kissing his cheek. And the 2 smile walking off together.

Ruby: " Simon, are we gonna be together forever or is thus just us being young.

Simon held ruby tightly and whispered something in her ear.

Ruby: " Ruby I promise you one day it's not gonna be tomorrow or day after that but 1 day in the near future we're older I promise you I will propose play a ring on your finger and we will be together forever that is my promise to you my rose.

Ruby was blushing rather than her Cape hearing that her boyfriend had planned already to propose to her and fought the 2 of them together forever, which made her smile a small tear she held his arm tightly

On the way what was going on ruby's mother's summer was watching sad seeing her daughter grew up not with her in her life but understood why so she lost custody of her own child because of her actions. But seeing the 2 together made her smile, knowing she wasn't gonna be alone anymore. She would have someone who could be with her.

Summer: " Make her happy Simon navy.

Summer continued to walk away sad. However, someone else was watching from the sidelines or former son Rowan, who was watching her following her back to Vale. Seeing that she still had a job at Signal.

Rowan: " At least you still have your job. That's something.

Summer jumps that she heard Rowan, but he held his hand out in the air, towing her. They weren't there to fight and put a bowl of noodles in a bag on the table.

Rowan: " Just because I don't want you in my life doesn't mean Ruby doesn't need her mother. Especially with your former husband now turned into a heartless.

Summer froze hearing this has shown an image with the ski blade with magic of what tie has become she gasped seeing the man she wants love now turn into a monster.

Rowan: " Ruby and Yang are going to need you now more than ever, especially now that yang's mother is now in custody of Atlas. And Crow, no one knows where he's at price the working secret for ozpin and his secret war. Do you honestly trust a headmaster.

Summer: " I almost diedon't admission fighting Salem herself if it wasn't for that mouse king I would be dead.

Simon put a hand on summer's shoulder as he looked at her.

Rowan: " Who am I, biological parents.

Someone looked at you surprised but looked awa

Summer: " You know me your biological mother is but your biological father was something else he was kind caring he loved adventure but after he had 2 other students he disappeared So I never told him about you.

Rowan: " You're my biological mother, aren't you.

Someone froze and knocks her head in tears crying he realized that wasn't her fault that she blamed her his father leaving on him she was hurting just as much as he was then looked at her sleeves grabbing her arm and rolling them up reviewing scars.

Summer: " For every time I hurt you, belittled, made you do things you didn't want to do, All for the pay not caused you.

Summer was shaking as Rowan finally decided to let go of his past with His biological mother and pulling hertainment to a hug as she held his waist crying apologizing over and over again until she finally stopped and let it go he looked up at him and saw a smile.

Rowan: " I forgive you, Mom, thank you for telling me the truth.

She looked at her son and smiled and nodded her head, then quickly pulled out a picture of herself in 2 others.

Summer: " Your father was named eriqus.

You gasped, which made summer look in surprise.

Rowan: " I know of him he trained a few other keyboard rulers who were trying to find the names for Aqua and Terra as well as a 3rd named ventus.

Summer: " So He's still alive.

She was somewhat happy until she saw the frown on Rowan's face and realize she was wrong.

Rowan: " I'm afraid He was mercilessly struck down by someone he once called a friend.

Summer was sad hearing that someone she loved was taken from her again but was happy that her son was back in her life and hugs him one last time as he leaves to go back to his teammates.

Unawares that the window above her a crow was watching this whole thing and flew away.


Author Note: I hope you like this little plot twist of the O c's background and passed I figured it make things a little more interesting.

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