You cross your arms over your chest. "We are sitting in a cave, Jimin is missing, and we have no idea where the rest of the crew is, but you're more interested in my love life?"

He gives you an 'are you serious' look. "Yes."

You let out a much needed laugh. So does he, the two of you laughing hard together for a solid twenty seconds before dialing down. "When's the last time we laughed like that?" you ask, and he sighs.

"Probably the night before I left."

You think back to that night, remembering every detail. "We should have more nights like that," you whisper. He gives you a smile. "What?"

He motions to the cave and the fire. "I think we already are."

"I consider this more of a hiding for our lives situation." You go quiet for a few moments, then snicker. "I love him."

"Y/N, you're literally the last person to figure this out."

Your eyes nearly burst out of your head, and you glare at him. "Excuse me?"

"Everyone already figured that out. Except for you and Jimin, of course." You pout, faking a look of hurt and crossing your arms across your chest. "I'm just saying," Jungkook says, throwing his hands up in defeat.

"You know how you can make it up to me?" you ask, and he raises a brow. "Take me back to the ship so we can find Jimin."

"What about Yoongi?"

"Oh yeah, him too."

Jungkook gives you a funny look before shaking you off. "What I was going to tell you before you professed your undying love for our surprisingly hot Captain was that the ship went up in flames. Anyone inside is either already dead from the crash or about to die from the smoke." You give him a death glare, and he only seems confused. "What?"

"Did you check the bridge? Did you look for survivors?"

"Y/N, when I saw you there, I thought you were dead. My top priority was getting you out. I'm sorry I didn't go look for anyone, but I thought we were going to die if we didn't leave immediately."

You sigh, your shoulders slumping. "Don't apologize, I understand. I'm grateful, really. Shit, I'm the one who should be sorry."

"You're on edge, I get it. If I didn't know where you were, I probably would've forced my way to the ship by now." You pause, then look up at him with wide eyes. He catches on and sighs. "Y/N L/N, I literally have enhancements. You try to leave this cave and you'll regret it."

You bite back a whine of protest. Then, you get curious and peer into his eyes, studying his face. "What... what did they do to you?"

His left eye twitches. "They injected me with the super soldier enhancement."

"Does it still work?"

"It does, but somehow I still have my emotions. I'm guessing that means it's not as strong as it would be if I was numb."

You frown, bringing your hand to his cheek and brushing your thumb over one of the lines. "Does it hurt?" you whisper, and he lets his eyes hit the ground.


You're almost scared to ask the next question. "What was it like?"

He stays quiet for a few moments, which makes you worried you asked something too personal, but he eventually gives in. "I felt nothing. I didn't know who I was. I felt like I barely knew my own name or how I got to where I was. All I knew was that I had someone who was with me, and I needed to stay loyal to him. That was Jackson."

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now