Exit Strategies

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Jimin watches as Y/N floats in front of him, the hole in the battleship now worrying him. In the five minutes it took them to get from the bridge to the main hangar, nothing eventful has really happened. No one from the other ship who has boarded has crossed paths with them yet.

The entire crew is in 0g due to the massive hole that was probably the cause of the rattle that rendered Jimin and Seulgi unconscious. Speaking of Seulgi - it became much easier to bring her along when the 0g kicked in. Jimin looks over at the hole and observes it: there's a small forcefield over the opening so they don't get sucked out into the vacuum of space. He may be an engineer, but forcefields were never his forte. "How did you install this forcefield anyway?" Jimin asks.

"Every hangar on a battleship has forcefields on the ready so the ships and crew don't get sucked out in case of a surprise attack. The hangar and the bridge have forcefields on the ready at all times, it activates as soon as impact is detected," Y/N says, which he hears the Commander agree with.

"Why not install it on the entire ship? Like the reactor and medbays?"

"Good question. Battleships are too massive to divert that much energy at once to everywhere on the ship. So the engineers prioritize the highly populated places, and the places more likely to be targeted in an attack. We don't have unlimited energy. It'd be impossible to build battleships in a timely manner if we had forcefields on the ready at all times. Too many power surges."

Jimin doesn't understand the complex idea, but he listens to Y/N's words and accepts them. Shortly after, the Commander speaks. "There's a brand new light cruiser up ahead. New transponder and everything, we'll escort you down to the surface and get your official statements."

"And after that?" Namjoon asks.

"We'll place you in protective custody until we figure out who's responsible for the attack. Then, you're free to go."

Jimin floats forward, the darkness of the hangar jarring, but he doesn't voice his complaints. He keeps floating ahead. Y/N glances back at him occasionally, but he doesn't question it. She's been acting strange since they put the suits on, but he figures it's her nerves, so he shrugs it off.

After a few moments of silence, there's some sparks from the other side of the room, and an officer goes limp, a blob of red pouring out of his chest. The blood in Jimin's body stops moving for a moment. "Go! They've found us!" the Commander shouts. "Get us cover! Now!" The officers fire back, but Jimin doesn't register what's going on until Y/N grabs him and brings him to the nearest wall, covering him with her body.

"We need to move!" she says with a small gasp.

"You're already injured, get behind me," Jimin replies, and she agrees knowing that arguing is no use in this situation. Jimin pushes off the wall, his hand entwined with Y/N's, bringing her with him.

"The cruiser should be on the other side of the hangar! Get there and take off! Don't wait for us!" the Commander yells into the comm, sparks flying off in every direction. Bullets whizz by Jimin once or twice, but for the most part, the officers are taking up the fire.

Jimin peers back in time to see most of the Commander's squad floating limply, blood pouring from their bodies. The enemy has cover, they don't. Jimin gulps, his pulse quickening as he tries to locate the ship. But it's no use, he can't find anything in the dim lighting. The lights are all malfunctioning due to the errors. What could be ships could also be large landing platforms and walls. "God dammit, where is this cruiser!" Jimin asks, searching as best he can.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now