A Daring Escape

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"How long until we reach Ganymede?" a male voice asks as consciousness retakes your body.

"Not too much longer. Those new boosters are working excellently. Fifteen minutes at most, but our pilot suspects more like ten."

"Good, remember to rig our clearance codes in case their emergency forcefields aren't up."

You hear footsteps echoing off in the distance, and you keep your eyes closed, instead trying to listen. You let your feelings come back: your fingers, your legs, and your arms. It feels like you're tied down, but that isn't surprising. Although you're not sure what to expect, you really hope Jimin's realized by now that you're missing. He won't leave you. Just like how you wouldn't leave him.

After another two minutes of you sitting there trying to listen, you hear nothing. So, you slowly open your eyes. You're in a dark room, the lights are off, making everything look almost... black. You glance around in confusion, adjusting to your surroundings, when you realize you're in a wooden chair, tied down with rope. You didn't think wooden chairs existed anymore, which is what initially shocks you. However, what shocks you more is Jackson standing in front of a wooden table.

The only way you're getting out of this is by hoping Jimin, Jungkook, or Yoongi come to get you. You're not sure what's happening with Jungkook, you're not sure if Yoongi would come back to get you, and you're not sure if Jimin's safe or not. So, looks like for now, you have to stall. You decide to stay quiet as he plays with some test tubes. There are some needles also scattered around the table. You watch for another two minutes. It seems like he's in his own world. He even hums to himself while playing with different color liquids.

"Have you ever felt the rush of adrenaline enhancements give you?" he suddenly asks, and you're left confused. You don't answer at first, which causes him to sigh. "Oh yes, I know you're awake. I don't need to see you to know that. Now answer the question."

You bite your lower lip, then nod. "I have."

"I figured. Having a friend like Jungkook would lead to that kind of thing. You and him must be really close. Enhanced individuals rarely risk themselves to give someone else a boost of strength, not to mention the whole stunt you pulled earlier. Tell me, how did you pull him out of my control?"

That you don't bother answering. You roll your eyes and tug at the rope, but of course, it's no use.

"I'll get the answer out of you eventually. For now, tell me more about enhancements. How did it feel when he gave it to you?" Jackson asks when you don't respond to the first question.

You figure there's no point of resisting; you're not going anywhere. Plus, the point is to stall, and making him angry won't do you any good.

"I felt powerful. I suffered a gunshot wound earlier, and I undid the stitches. But when Jungkook transferred his energy, it was like I never got shot at all."

Jackson sighs in satisfaction. Almost like it's pleasurable to him. "The glory of enhancements. They bring you great power."

"But at a price," you say, which he shrugs to.

"Pain, yes. That and bright cheeks. A small price to pay to be superhuman. Have you ever seen any other enhancements?"

You decide not to tell him about Yoongi, but instead about that leader who seduced you with his voice. "I have. I was captured, like this, and some guy started speaking to me. I couldn't resist. His eyes were glowing green."

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now