Ache and Loss

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Jimin floats in the 0g. The artificial gravity is busted due to their rather-quick escape, so he floats, his back arched and his eyes closed. His head is tilted back, the light of his room glowing on his skin. He still feels numb. He doesn't know what to do, or what to say, or even who to talk to. The Engineer couldn't bring himself to go into Namjoon's quarters, so for now, he stays inside the Executive Officer's quarters. Another decision Jimin will have to make. Who will be his Executive Officer?

The thought of making such decisions makes him sick, but it's what Namjoon would have wanted. So, he thinks about it. Who would be the best fit? There's Seulgi with her high rank and professionalism, there's Hoseok with his cheerfulness and ability to adapt and solve problems, there's Baekhyun with his quick thinking and funny personality... and there's also Y/N. Her being an XO might show bias, but at the same time, she's qualified. She's put her life on the line many times for the crew, and she's a natural leader. Jimin opens his eyes, sighing. These kinds of decisions will have to wait.

There's a knock at his door, but he doesn't have the strength to talk. Whoever is there lets themselves in. "You know, you might get a cramp from doing that," Jungkook says. Jimin's slightly surprised the Intelligence Officer came to see him, but he's also secretly happy about it.

Jimin reluctantly floats down, not quite touching the ground, but hovering a few feet away from Jungkook. They stare at each other for a few moments before Jungkook parts his lips. "How are you?" he asks.


"Yeah. Yeah, I think you're not alone there."

Jimin frowns. "I know we're kind of just hovering outside of Triton, but I don't want to look over the data yet." Jungkook hums in agreement. "I'm not doing anything until we have a funeral for Namjoon," Jimin whispers.

"You have no idea how much of a relief it is to hear you say that."

Jimin raises a brow. "Really?"

"I was going to suggest waiting until we honor Namjoon. It's... I don't know, it..."

"Feels like the right thing to do?" Jimin finishes.

"Yeah." Jungkook sniffles, floating in the air and glancing down. His hands clasp together and fiddle over each other, Jungkook refusing to meet Jimin's eyes.

"How are you?" Jimin asks, leaning forward and allowing his body to drift closer to the boy.

"I just got him back. After months of feeling alone, seeing his face again? It gave me hope."

Jimin bites back more tears. Namjoon gave them all hope. "He was a great man. The best of us," Jimin adds. After a brief moment of silence, Jungkook clears his throat.

"He picked a good man to lead us, too."

Jimin's whole body stiffens, the artificial oxygen halting inside his lungs until it suffocates him. "No. No, I'll never be even half the leader Namjoon was. I... we need him."

Jungkook rests his hand on Jimin's shoulder, causing Jimin to lock eyes with the younger boy. "Maybe, but he chose you. Not me, not Baekhyun, not Seulgi: you. That means something. I can see it, everyone can. You're the best leader we have. You care so deeply about others, and Joon saw that in you."

Jimin tears his eyes away. "I miss him."

Jungkook's lips twitch into a frown. "So do I. Only time can heal us, but Jimin..." Jimin peeks up at his words, noticing the serious expression hiding inside Jungkook's pained irises. "If you ever need anything, anything at all, I'm here. I know we met not too long ago, and we haven't always been on the best of terms, but-"

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