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~Two Days Later | 13:17~

Jimin sits in front of Y/N's unconscious body, his hand on top of hers. That's what he's been doing for the past two days: sitting here and keeping his hand on top of hers, trying to bring some warmth back into her. He sighs, giving her skin a squeeze and peering at the medbay door. Seulgi has been leaning against the frame for a while. She's visited quite a few times, but she never says anything. She only stands there and gazes at Y/N. Jimin can't bring himself to dislike Seulgi, but that doesn't mean he's happy with her for treating Y/N like an object. Either way, they're in this together now. Petty arguments need to be put aside.

They've been floating in dead space for a couple days, no destination in mind. Seulgi suggested the Belt, Jimin suggested waiting to decide, and Baekhyun suggested Earth. Namjoon ultimately decided to wait, but at the moment, Jimin is getting anxious. He reluctantly takes his eyes off Y/N and peeps up at Seulgi, who notices his gaze and meets it. "I think you were right." She raises a brow. "We should've broadcasted our side of the story."

Right away, she breaks the eye contact and instead decides to watch her feet. "That still sounds like a bad plan. Chaos would ensue. Is that really a good thing right now?" she asks, her voice scratching against her throat as it comes out.

"Sure, but the Silver Angel is gone, and the information we shared is only with us again. What if something happens?"

She shrugs it off, her lips playing with an answer before she actually says it. "I think Mars gets the idea. They saw their battleship go up in flames."

Jimin groans out in response. "It doesn't make any sense. Why would Mars blow up the Hep then give us sanctuary, then get attacked? Was that staged?"

"They wouldn't risk Commander Clementine's life like that. That was real, maybe there's another party involved. We know Mars is one of them, but what about the other?"

"Could it be the Belt?"

Seulgi considers his words, letting her head hit the wall with a noise that sounds like a grunt. "Would the Belt really want a war though?"

"Earth has ignored them for years, same with Mars. They're treated like garbage, and you know what happens when people get treated like garbage by the leading parties?"

"They revolt." They fall into a small silence. It goes on for a few minutes before Seulgi clears her throat. "I- um. I should go check on Captain Kim, I hope she wakes up soon though."

She hopes she wakes up soon? Did he hear her right? "You really mean that?" he asks, unable to stop himself.

The woman gnaws on her lower lip, talking with her hands for a few moments before her mouth replaces her actions. "I do. Jimin, I just wanted to say..." She breaks off to hesitate, searching for words.

"Don't worry about it. I'm not the one who you should talk to anyway." He gestures to the unconscious Y/N, Seulgi nodding for a brief beat.

"I agree, but I still wanted you to know. I will go check on the Captain now."

Jimin gives her a nod, but right before she leaves the medbay, he calls out to her. "If you could tell him about what I said, I'd appreciate it."

"About broadcasting our side?"

He hums in acknowledgement. "Yeah, I think it's the only thing that might give us a destination at this point, and probably some safety as well."

"I am surprised her father has not found us yet," Seulgi replies, motioning to Y/N.

Jimin sighs in response. "Me too. Let's hope he doesn't find us for a while." His eyes fall back onto Y/N's face, her closed eyes and relaxed expression. He admires her, probably more than he should.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now