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"Hey, Y/N."


You groan as consciousness retakes your body. You always hated waking up. No matter how long you slept for, you were still always tired. Maybe it's from the constant stress, or maybe you just can't find the right amount of time to sleep. Either way, waking up is always painful.

You groggily let your eyes flutter open, and you see Jimin sitting on the edge of your bed. You yawn, stretching your arms out slightly. "What's up?" you ask with a croak, your voice lower than normal.

He softly smiles, revealing the dimple on his cheek. "We're here, we're at Sturgeon Station."

Your eyes dilate, and you sit up in a heartbeat, mentally cursing at yourself for snapping up so fast. "We are?"

He laughs, then nods. "We made it, they let us dock. Namjoon is working on finding us a hotel. We don't have much in the way of funds but... hopefully our reputation will help us." After humming, you observe the way his smile rests on his face. His puffy cheeks and cute lips. And that's when you smirk, Jimin going pale. "Oh no. What's that smirk for? What did we do?" You can't help yourself: you lean forward and pinch his cheeks. He yelps and hops away, holding his poor cheeks. "W-What was that for?!"

You laugh it off. "Nothing, it's just that your cheeks look like mochi."

He scrunches up his nose, pulling on the extra skin on his cheeks. "They do not."

"Oh my God, I'm so calling you Mochi from now on."

"That's a horrible idea."


"Because then everyone will hear you call me it, and the last thing I need is Namjoon and Jungkook snickering while calling me Mochi," Jimin says, shooting both his brows up and crossing his arms over his chest. Jimin is a very attractive man to say the least, but sometimes he still looks like a child.

You nudge his shoulder with yours. "I think it suits you. How about this - I'll only say it when we're alone, or when no one else is paying attention."

He purses his lips in thought, then nods. "Fine. Deal." You hold out your pinky, which he looks at strangely for a moment before catching on and laughing.

He hooks his pinky onto yours, and you give his a squeeze. "There. Pact. I can call you Mochi when no one is listening."

Jimin keeps his soft grin, even increasing it by a few inches before he speaks. "I think Jiminie is better."

"What about Min? I like Min."

Amusement flickers up in his eyes. "Whatever you want to call me."

You smirk, pausing for a few moments. "Okay... Mochi."

"Alright alright, I get your point, now come on, the others are waiting for us." You hop up and hum to yourself as you quickly get ready, brushing your hair and going into the bathroom to brush your teeth and get changed. Jimin sat on your bed the whole time, asking you if you needed help, but each time you turned him down.

Finally, after three whole minutes of you rushing, you managed to be somewhat presentable. When you walk out of the bathroom, you're surprised to see Jimin packing some of your stuff into a bag. You didn't even see him bring a bag in. "What are you doing?" you ask.

He shrugs, continuing his packing spree. "I'm putting your stuff with my stuff. We're staying in a hotel after all." You don't argue with him. He's right after all. Plus, knowing you and your tendencies, he would probably pack your stuff better than you can anyway.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now