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Today's the day.

Jimin lets out a shaky breath, glancing over his casual appearance one last time before heading over to his door. It's his first official date with Y/N. He can't dress up since he doesn't own any other clothes, but he still tried to make himself look better than normal. He even enlisted Jungkook's help from the medbay. The boy said Jimin 'always looks great'.

Jimin made a whole plan for today. First, he takes her to the greenhouse, then the theatre, then the dining hall. However, with the help of Jin and Taehyung, the trio made it all romantic. Jimin will signal them when they're about five minutes away from going to the dining hall so they can light candles and set up music.

Jimin opens his door and strolls out of the Captain's quarters. He finally moved in (after cleaning the sheets to the Executive Officer's quarters) and isn't sure how to feel. He still feels numb, but at least he's happy around Y/N. At least he has this date to take his mind off of the chaos around him.

He pushes his thoughts aside and steps towards Y/N's room, fiddling with his fingers. He told the crew that today's going to be a relaxing day. They're hovering outside of Kepler, not sure what to do yet. Part of Jimin wants to use the Moonchild's missiles and blow up the station, but at the same time, Yeonjun could still be alive. Jimin clears his head. That's a decision he can make tomorrow. Right now, he has a beautiful girl waiting for him. So, he pushes everything else behind him and approaches her door, knocking.

She opens it almost immediately and smiles upon seeing him. She's wearing her casual clothes as well, the flower pattern Seulgi sewed in still present and bright. "Hey," she greets, and he smiles.

"Hey. Can I show you something?"

She gives him a reassuring smile. "Of course." He grabs her hand and drags her out of her room, her just barely able to close the door behind them.

He drags her all the way down the ladder and towards the greenhouse, where he's been preparing a small surprise for her. He's been trying to grow a rose for the past week, and it's been successful due to Taehyung's help, even though he came a little later. Apparently his grandmother taught him a lot about plants and seeds. On Earth, a rose would take several weeks to grow, but thanks to Taehyung and technological advancements, the rose is almost fully grown.

"We're not coming here to make-out, right?" she asks with a chuckle.

"You brought it up, not me." He brings her inside and isn't shocked to see it empty. He closes and locks the door behind them, and she gives him a puzzled expression. "What?"

"We can't have sex in front of nature, that's wrong!"

He tilts his head, stifling a laugh. "What?"

"Don't think I didn't see you lock the door. What are you planning, Park Jimin?"

He approaches her, and she leans her back against the closest table, allowing him inside her personal space. She keeps her eyes locked on him, slightly smirking. He rests his hands on her hips and returns her expression. "Well, I wasn't planning to have sex, but..." He leans in closer, his lips only inches away from hers. "We can change that," he whispers, his breath hitting her lips.

She initiates the kiss, going at a fast pace. Jimin is shocked but manages to keep up, falling into an upbeat pattern. They close their eyes in sync, him bringing one hand to the back of her head. He grips her locks, switching sides and attacking her lips even more, sucking and nibbling on them. She moans against his lips in satisfaction, and the sound turns him on.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now