A New Ally?

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Jungkook absentmindedly taps on Taehyung's shoulders as he types into the hologlobe, trying to illegally download some old fighting game. After Jimin sent a message to Park Chaeyoung saying they were interested in talking about the details, Jungkook grabbed Taehyung and practically dragged the poor boy all the way to his room. They stopped to get Taehyung's hologlobe and also grabbed some food so they can hang out for a while. For some strange reason, Jungkook trusts Taehyung. It's the same feeling he had with Jimin. Like a strong attachment from the start. He's not sure why... him and Tae just click.

"I don't know what it's called, but if you use your hologlobe I'm sure I can connect you to the game," Taehyung explains.

Jungkook sits on his bed, Taehyung next to him with the light from the hologlobe softly shining on his face. They decided against having the lights on since the hologlobes are so bright anyway. A good decision seeing as Jungkook can't help but be drawn to Tae's face. The light from the screen is almost like a spotlight.

Jungkook takes a moment to memorize each detail and expression Taehyung makes. The man has a boxy smile and hair that always falls in his face to conceal his dark irises. There's nothing Jungkook adores more than eyes, and Taehyung's are perfect. They always hold several layers of emotion ranging from the outbursts of sadness to the subtleness of loneliness. Jungkook has never seen someone who shows so much range through just his facial expressions.

Due to Jungkook's growing fear of the Belt coming to take him away, he's taking more time to be with the crew. Taehyung and Y/N are at the top of that list.

Jungkook listens to Tae regardless. He snaps out of his thoughts and leans toward his nightstand, grabbing his own hologlobe. Taehyung takes a bite of the chocolate bar they were splitting, then peeks over at Jungkook.

"Want another piece?" Taehyung offers.

Jungkook nods right away. Tae hands him the chocolate, and Jungkook shamelessly takes a bite, not even bothering to break off the piece. Tae shrugs, unbothered, and grabs Jungkook's hologlobe off of his lap.

"I downloaded it onto mine, let me find it on yours," Tae says after Jungkook swallows.

"So what exactly is this game?"

Taehyung taps away on Jungkook's hologlobe to find the game. "No clue, some old fighting game. I'm sure we'll learn the combos as we go on."

Jungkook hides his smirk. This poor boy has no idea what he's getting himself into. The competitive side in Jungkook is starting to come back. It hasn't come out in a long time, and he couldn't be happier.

"There, now we can play together," Taehyung says, handing Jungkook his hologlobe.

Jungkook takes it, and the screens connect. The game is already started, but Taehyung doesn't move yet. They both have a big buff man as their characters. Jungkook's has brown spikey hair and looks like a blob of pixels. Taehyung's is the same way; however, his has blond shaggy hair. The middle of the screen has text that reads 'FIGHT!', but it disappears after a few seconds. Jungkook messes with the controls, punching air and figuring out how it works before humming to himself. Taehyung does the same, except he seems to play with a sense of familiarity.

Jungkook panics when Taehyung approaches his character, but pushes it down as his enhancements begin to light up. His fingers move over the controls quickly. Taehyung laughs as he goes in, performing some combos effortlessly. Jungkook barely manages to back away and block them. He tries going on the offensive, but Taehyung pins him down too much.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin