Min Yoongi

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The bay feels lonely.

Despite most of the crew residing in the bay, it feels empty. The metal walls have bits of grime resting in between the panels, the bright light flickering once or twice here and there. The Moon is a high-quality ship, but with everyone that's been going on, no one's had time to do maintenance. Especially Jimin. After all, he is the engineer. Jin still isn't officially part of the crew, meaning Jimin and the others feel more comfortable when Jimin is the one doing repairs.

Speaking of Jin...

"You alright?" you ask Jin, approaching the man in the corner of the room. He jumps at the sound of your voice, whipping around to nod. He's holding his helmet in his hands, staring down at it with his eyes sinking. "I can talk to Jimin. If this is too much for you, I'm sure he'll understand-"

"No, I'm fine with going, really. I'm just worried about Jungkook." You peek back at the boy Jin references. He's rushing around and making sure everyone's almost ready to go. Nothing special. He just seems like a mini version of Jimin. Well, a bigger version, but still.

"Is everything okay with him?"

"He looks exhausted."

You can't stop your lips from forming a frown. Jungkook was hit the hardest when Namjoon passed. You respected the man so much and miss him dearly, and Jimin grew to see the man as a father figure, but Jungkook? That was the man he's known for years.

"Do you think he'll listen if I tell him to stay and rest?" you ask, Jin finally meeting your gaze.

"I doubt it. Plus, I hate to say it like this, but we kind of need his enhancements."

Before you can say anything else, Jimin climbs down the ladder, and your eyes snap to meet his body. He hops off the rungs, the Captain's special white and navy blue armor strapped around his body along with a bag thrown around his shoulder. Captain Park holds his helmet in his hand as he approaches the crew, who gather around him to await further orders.

"I see everyone is about ready. Thank you, Jungkook." The boy dips his head in response. "Remember what I said. Be on alert, ARs always ready, no splitting up unless absolutely necessary. I want everyone on their toes, we don't know what's on this station or why they let us in without any question."

The group doesn't dare disagree with their captain. It's not like they have any better ideas. Despite his quick thinking, you can tell how much pain Jimin's in, but he's still handling his new role as best he can. You respect him so much, and that respect only grows by the minute at this rate.

"That's not the only thing I wanted to say," Jimin says, then he heads over to the nearest chair and places the bag down. "I'm not going to lie to you, this could be even more dangerous than Triton. I'm taking an extra precaution."

You head to the chair as Jimin takes out tiny devices one by one. You narrow your eyes, trying to make out what it is he brought. That's when you see them activate, and your eyes widen. Motion trackers.

"Wireless motion trackers. Strap them around your wrist, right next to your long-distance comm," Jimin says, taking the band and demonstrating where it goes. It looks like a watch, but instead of telling the time it displays a green screen with lines and dots. "Another reason to stay together, so the motion tracker won't beep like crazy. As long as we stay together, it'll recognize us as one unit. If we get too far, it'll beep," Jimin explains, handing one to each member.

When he finally gets to you, he places it in your hand. His gaze lingers on yours, an unreadable expression in his eyes. "Stay close to me," he whispers.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now