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Shivering. All you've done is shiver. You've been trying to keep your sobs from coming out while the other side of the line remains quiet. It's been a solid five seconds since you told them who you are, but they haven't replied. You're about to speak again to make sure they didn't leave when someone clears their throat. "Tell us everything."

You do. You tell them how you were a stowaway, how you got caught, how the the explosion hurt your ship, and how you were locked up - forced to listen to the screams of your captors. After a minute and a half of you explaining, you shut your mouth, letting out a sigh. You feel much better now since you let that whole ordeal out. You're no longer alone, you were able to tell someone about your pain. Even if it's the last thing you do, you're at least happy about that. Terror stings at your body, but at least you're not alone.

"Are there alien lifeforms on your craft?"

"I haven't seen any as of yet. I'm staying on the bridge for as long as humanly possible." There's a few beats of silence. You don't blame them, you wouldn't know what to do either. You wouldn't want to risk bringing someone on board who could potentially contaminate others, but at the same time, there's someone with evidence of alien life. Someone who survived a massacre.

"Hang tight Miss L/N," is all you hear before the comm shuts off. Frustration hits your veins. You're not sure if it's possible to regain a connection with them, but truthfully, there's nothing you can do. You're no engineer. With a huff and whine, you slide down the wall and sit as best you can.

Hang tight. They'll help you. They have to.


"Shit," Namjoon mutters, rubbing his temple with his fingers. "Do we have a decontamination center rookie?" Jimin takes a second to realize Namjoon's talking to him before clearing his throat.

"Medbay, if that counts. We can clear the important medical supplies from there and keep her inside."

Namjoon sighs, nodding slightly. "Well, shit. We don't really have a choice now do we? I don't like the idea of heading back, but she can be the key to all of this."

Jimin raises a brow. "Sir?" Jimin has never seen an executive so stressed. As if the Hep blowing up wasn't enough, now there's a potential rescue mission they have to perform.

"Even if she didn't see anything, being onboard gives us a witness from a different angle. Plus, this isn't just any witness."

Jimin's only more confused, his forehead creasing. "Sorry sir, I don't follow."

"Y/N L/N: the oldest daughter of Captain L/N. Famous pilot, particularly around Ganymede and Mars. A hero - he fought in the Martian Civil War, he even fought to protect Mars from Earth back when tensions were high."

"Aren't they still high, sir?"

He laughs, but there's no amusement laced into the noise. "Very much so, but I mean to the point where war was about to break out."

"I don't remember there being any cold wars," Jimin says, Namjoon waving the air as if swatting a fly.

"That's because you and I weren't exactly alive. This was almost thirty years ago."

"Thirty years ago? Jesus, how old is this guy?"

"I couldn't tell you, but when she's on board, we can ask her." Namjoon presses down on his handheld comm. "Pilot Byun, set course for the Blackwell, we have a package to pick up."

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now