" you are only one for me, jimin. I don't care about where you are  or much distance is between us. You are mine and I am yours."

Yoongi cupped jimin's face in his palms making the other shy.

" would you come next weekend and meet my parents." Jimin has decided to tell yoongi about his parents and let them meet his boyfriend.

" if you want than I will." Yoongi was ready to take jimin's parents approval for their relationship.

Jimin knew yoongi is a man of his words and he won't back off. He slowly kissed yoongi to ink this moment in his. Memories. Soon both were lost in tasting each other's lips .

" jimin we are getting late." Suddenly door opened and a jumping bunny barged inside followed by his tiger boyfriend.

Yoonmin seprated and jungkook smirked seeing their appearance he raised his eyebrows in teasing manner.

" i tried to stop him. " taehyung said feeling guilty to break their moment.

" It's ok , I was coming." Jimin said 

They said their goodbyes and stared their journey back up Seoul.

It's been one week they came back from Daegu. Taehyung's parents tried many times to talk with him.

However Taehyung was too hurt with their ignorance , he didn't talked to them and he strictly told them to stay away from jungkook.

They went back to Paris . Taehyung was stubborn and everyone knows it. They realised their mistake but it's already late. Jin 's mother suggested them to give taehyung sine time.

Time heals every wound and they will keep apologising for every mistake they have made. Jin also made them realise how much their ignorance in taehyung's childhood has affected him.

They were ashamed but no one can change the past.

On the other hand taekook were having time of their life. Yoongi is coming on weekend to meet jimin's parents, jimin also invited taekook for dinner. For Jimin taekook are not only friends but his family.

To say jimin's parents were impressed by yoongi's calm and composed demeanor would be an understatement.

They were surprised how someone as calm and focused person can love their son , who was other name of crazy and chaos.

They were glad that their son has found someone who loves him for all his childishness. They even suggested to get them engaged which earned a howl of excitement from taekook.

Yoongi expressed his wish to get engaged or married after jimin and kook would complete their graduation. He also told them about his plans to expanding his business in Seoul .

All in all yoongi impressed his future -in-laws. Dinner went by jimin's mother fangirling over yoongi when he gifted her a latest bracelet designed by his company.

They stayed at jimin's house that night. They all had dinner watched movies and slept in living area after playing UNO till late night.

Next morning, yoongi and taekook took their leave. Jimin was so excited to for their other friends to meet yoongi. So they vmin decided to go on a. Small trip after their graduation.

Yoongi was somehow reluctant as he is not familiar with their other friends. But jungkook assured him that yoongi will love their other friends too .

Taehyung was so grateful to yoongi . The bracelet he gifted was taehyung's design. When jimin's mother genuinely praised the gift , taehyung went all red from inside.

Taehyung was habitual of getting praised for his body and looks, but it was not everyday someone appreciate him for his talents other modelling.

In these months , yoongi has gained the insight to understand taehyung. He doesn't know how but he feels like he can read taehyung as an open book .

When yoongi was ready to leave for Daegu jimin came running to give him a last hug. However before he can do that taehyung shoved him aside and hugged yoongi tightly, he missed yoongi so much after coming back from.

He heard jungkook laughing and jimin sprewing curses after curses. Jimin have to forcefully detach him from his boyfriends body.

Taehyung chuckled nervously seeing jimin's red face, however he quickly kissed yoongi's cheek and ran away from there squealing.

" I love you yoongi hyung." He shouted on top of his lungs .

Yoongi was too stunned to understand what has happened . He smiled nervously at jikook. They were shocked seeing yoongi blushing.

Yoongi quickly went inside the car and drived away to hide his burning cheeks.

"What had just happened." Jikook muttered in unison.



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