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The evening came earlier for jimin than he wanted ,, he was sceptical about  meeting who ever that secret admirer was ,,

but the thought of keeping someone hanging was making him uncomfortable,,

To be true he was not feeling good about the flowers and stuff but he didn't voiced out his thoughts,,

now he have a perfect opportunity to end this game of hide and seek ., jimin got ready for his so called date ,, his gut feeling was telling him that something wrong is going to happen,,

he wanted taekook to join him but they refused,,

" traitors"

he cursed them both and called for a cab to reach the cafe ,,

his hands were sweating in nervous ness,, he was mentally preparing himself for rejecting his admirer with as much  politeness as he can muster..

On the other hand ,, taekook are following jimin in jungkook's car,, they doesn't want him to be in problem,,

they don't know who the secret admirer is..?? He can be a pervert or a serial killer,, who knows..???

In the midst of all the chaos ,, yoongi was struggling with his own feelings,, from the moment jungkook told him about jimin's secret admirer,, he was restless ,,

his mind was occupied by only jimin's thoughts.. he was confused,, he doesn't know what to do or how to feel,,

his heart was telling him to run and stop jimin from meeting the said man,,

what if , jimin liked him,,

what if ,, He decided to give that man a chance,,



this can't be happening,, jimin is his,, he can't let just someone to come and swipe jimin away from him..

he won't let that happened not atleast until he confess his feelings to the younger,,

with the new found determination yoongi left his house towards the cafe jungkook told him,,

he was having an internal battle about how and what he will tell him,,

what if ,, jimin rejected him,,

what if,, he was not jimin's type,,

jimin is a bubbly, friendly guy,,  while yoongi was a bit cold and reserved,, the thing they have in common is a pure heart filled with immense love  to  pour on others..

Jimin went to the cafe and scanned the area with nervousness ,, he couldn't find anyone that he can think of as his admirer,, he was about to turn back when a waiter approached him .

W: hello sir,, are you mr. Park jimin.

Jm: umm.. yes... How do you know me..

W: come with me sir is waiting for you,,.

He lead sweating jimin to the roof top.. the area was beautifully decorated with flowers and lights,, if it was not for jimin's nerves he would have surely appreciated the efforts,,

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