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Jungkook's hyung yoongi has a small business in Daegu,, it was a small jewellery manufacturing company,, yoongi has worked his all life to bring the company here ,, he was grumpy and cold but at the same time patient and kind hearted,,

Jimin didn't even knew at what point he fell for that grumpy cat looking human,, but he fell harder,, jimin was a goofy and mischievous exact opposite of calm and composed yoongi,,

as the saying goes opposite attracts,, yoongi also attracted jimin like a magnet,, now he is here on the passenger seat of taehyung's car in a journey to reach the destination of his heart,,

they both are lost in their thoughts,, they know each other for enough long that silence can never be uncomfortable,, yet jimin was still a little mad at taehyung,, but at the same time he knew taehyung loved jungkook from the very first meeting and everyone deserves a second chance ,,

he is glad that jungkook kept his heart open and gave him a chance to prove himself,, he clearly remember what jungkook told to taehyung.

Jk: tae hyungie,, I am not mad at you now ,, however I still disappointed,, I will only forgive you when my yoongi hyung will accept you and he himself want us to be together,,

Jm: he will never agree,, the rage in your hyungs eyes was terrifying..

Jk: he will,, hyung is soft hearted.. but I have a condition..

Th: what condition kookie..

Taehyung who was standing with his head low asked,, he couldn't forgive himself atleast until jungkook forgive him.

Jk: you won't tell my brother your real identity,, hyung has never saw you,, i don't know what and how you will do.. you won't tell him anything and when he himself will tell me that he likes you and want us together only than I will forgive you,,,

Jm: kookie how it is possible..

Jk: I don't know hyung.. i will help within my reach but after that taehyung has to decide,,

Th: but jun...

Jk: no hyung ,, i will not let anyone walk over my brother,, you win his heart and i will forgive you..

Is it that difficult..

Th: I can do anything for you.. i will not tell him my real identity and win his trust and only after that I will ask his permission for our marriage,,

Jimin smirked at taehyung's confidence.. he knew if tae decided something no one can stop him.

Jk: good than,, meet you in daegu..

Jungkook hugged both of them good-bye,, taehyung kissed his forehead and jungkook leaned in his touch,, he is going to miss taehyung's warmth ..

Jimin jerked forward when car halt suddenly,, they came out of the car and booked a room at a small hotel in daegu...

Next they went to yoongi's company,, yoongi remembered jimin as jungkook's friend but didn't recognise taehyung...

Jk: this is my friend jimin,,

Jimin bowed to yoongi with heart eyes ..

yoongi found jimin cute but kept his thought to himself,, then he saw another presence with jimin.

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