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Hello everyone..


How are you,.????


I hope all of you are doing great..


I am here with the next part of hearts brew love...

I hope you will like it...


yoongi was driving the car while jimin was on passenger seat,, taekook are sitting on back seat,, yoongi was confused why jimin is sitting with him,


but he didn't said anything as he was also liking the presence of jimin near him,, he would not accept but he himself has developed a tini-tiny crush on the mochi looking boy...


He was time to time looking in rear mirror towards taekook,, he was noticing the glances hansung was throwing to jungkook and jungkook was successfully ignoring them...


He can feel something brewing between them,, but he decided to stay silent for the time being.... They all were looking forward to enjoy the little picnic together...


At the beach they kept their things and changed into beach wears,, they all were wearing tank tops and shorts,,


taehyung was wearing a red bandana on his forehead,, he was looking like a greek god (like as usual),,


jungkook forget to breath when he saw taehyung walking towards him in all his glory ,, his sun kissed honey skin was glistening in sun light,,


when he saw jungkook's expressions his lips curved into a teasing smirk,, he was in full mood to tease the younger for ignoring him the whole week and giving all his attention to that David ,,


jimin saw jungkook admiring taehyung without blinking he snorted and pushed him a little,,


Jm: heaven to the earth kook.. are you going to eat him..

Jk: hmmm .. what

Jm: are you gonna eat him .

Jk: hyung why he is wearing all this,, there are so many people,, go tell him to change and wear something ugly. 

Jimin laughed at this .

Jm: i hope you know ,, he is a model, an eye candy,, he is wearing what we all are wearing..

Jk: than why he is looking so hot..

Jm: cuz he is... It is impossible for him to not look godly...

Jk: hyung..

Jm: what hyung,, go ,,, go to your boyfriend,, let me go to my kitty...

Jk: he is not my boyfriend...??

He whined..

Jm: I know ,, I know..

Just go..

Taehyung walked towards jungkook,, taehyung scanned the place and saw yoongi was not there,, he pulled jungkook by his waist and their chest collided,,

 Hearts Brew Love(Taekook) Where stories live. Discover now