Healing period

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Chapter 13

It's been about a two weeks since the whole incident happened and he still hasn't woken up. I have been talking to him from time to time but mostly leaving it to his parents.

As it happens to be one of those times where I visit him. I entered his room to find a nurse standing next to him checking his drip and monitors. I nodded my head in acknowledgement, she did the same and walked out the door leaving me and him alone with the beeping machine's.

I sat down a chair next to his bed and just admired looking at his changed face and how handsome and stern he has become, how he went from a skinny and overly protective funny guy to this well built man cold and scary. I do miss the old Hunter but I broke him and I know I shouldn't be crying over what happened in the past but I can't shake off the feeling of me having to break his old self, for not being the friend he needed.

I just needed him awake this time and do my best to protect him the way I know how. Through love and care.

I looked at him and just felt like wanting to talk to him the entire time.

A: Hunter it's me Amber, I just came to check up on you. I know you may not like it or me but just brought you flowers.

I could see one of his fingers twitching and his eyes starting to open, I quickly ran to get a doctor or a nurse nearby. They came in and checked everything there is to check before I went out the room leaving them.

(Cellphone ringing)

A: Miss Eli he's up, please hurry over to see.

Eli: Ok thank you sweetheart we're on our way.

I hung up and waited for them to arrive, the examining doctor came out and gave me the instructions on how take care and not to stress him out. His parents came shortly after, we greeted each other before they entered his room.

They discussed for a minutes before I had to interrupt them since the time for visiting is very restricted and should be a maximum of 3 minutes. I knocked on the door before entering the room.

A: Sorry to disturb you all but the doctor said that visit time is three minutes. You can come tomorrow if you need to.

H: Mother, Father, what is she doing here?

Eli: (tounge clicking) Hunter be more great full she helped us in getting you here and she saved your life.

H: In what manner?
He said rasing one of his eyebrows.

K: She donated her blood to you son, in that manner.

I heard him respond with an 'mmm' sound.
H: Well you heard her times up, right Amber.

Elizabeth sighed and gently patted him on the shoulder and kissed his cheek before leading her husband out the door, leaving me him together. I looked at him with my weak eyes that already have dark  circles under them due to the lack of sleep, I gave him a small smile before walking out the door.

A: I'll leave you alone if you need me to and... I hope you can forgive me some day.

I could feel his eyes on me leaving, it was as if he's staring bullets or knives towards me.

I closed the door to let him rest when I was called by his parents. I walked over to them Elizabeth patted the seat next her indicating that I should sit down and join them with whatever topic was going on.

Eli: Amber listen we know you where chasing your love back then, but you need to know why he's angry with you. He was taken and almost killed by a person you know as Wensly Millar. One of your the most unsuspecting people to do those things.

My eyes widened at that profession. I knew Wensly was insane yet cool but a kidnapper and a murderer. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever think that he would do that especially not to his best friend.

Eli: And he had drugged Hunter and overdosed him into being an addict, took him about two years to get over them without full or complete support, the trauma still hits him when he sees you because you were the first person he asked for when we got home. That's probably why he is so well... like that. Just after that day he lost his old self completely and he doesn't trust anyone after you left, he thought that the both of you did that to him on purpose.

A: I.. I didn't know that he had to go through all that, I would have stayed if I knew and helped him through all of it.

M: You wouldn't have known Amber, you yourself had some things going on back then.

A: But through all that I could have dropped everything and comforted him.

Eli: We know sweetie, we know that you would have dropped  everything and attended to him but you had your own issues, he just needed to learn how live without you.

Goodness me. I wish I had listened to my mother when she said that Johnathan wasn't meant for me and I would have stalled even longer then I would have been there for Hunter when he was looking for me. And I wish that I wasn't so selfish, I could have been selfless for that one moment.

Eli: We're sorry we didn't tell you any sooner but I told Phoebe to tell you as soon as you left that party, but we're here and well, at least you know now rather than knowing later on. But in this case I think it's best you give at least another day to cool down we while we try to convince him to give you a moment together to talk, okay?

I nodded in response, still quite speechless of the prospect of Wensly trying to kill his only best friend. I know Hunter and I grew up together but I watched them get closer together and Hunter being really expressive and relaxed around Wensly.

I got up from the chair and said goodbye to his parents and walking into the elevator I received a text message from him.

_unknown_ : Amber I really am sorry for cheating on you.

_me_: Johnathan please delete my number and don't try to contact me ever again.

_Johnathan_: Please come back to me, I promise you I won't ever do it again.

I blocked his number by the time I reached my car and drove off to my parents house. I already have enough trouble and stress with Hunter I don't need him to cause even more problems I won't be able to fix next time, he caused enough problems for me already and it shouldn't be that hard for him to find another girl to hook up with.

I finally reached my parents house and entered to find my father in the dining room table and a man there, I greeted them both before heading up toy room and throwing myself on the bed and blacking out from exhaustion. I just needed some time to recover and think about everything going on and just finally sleep in my bed knowing that he's awake.

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