Stepmom love....

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Chapter 1

F: Emma Silverton!

E:What did you want me to do he didn't want her

A:But you didn't have to sleep with him.

E:Count it as a favor because he cheated on you on your little engagement party, with a model
A:What...Emma repeat what you just said to me.

E:He cheated on your engagement party.

A:Why haven't you tell me this ?

E: Because you would have never believed me let alone listen to me.

I looked her in the eyes to look for any lie being told, but I couldn't find any, she was telling the truth. I felt my gaze become watery as a tear slid down my cheek.

A:You could have just tried.

E:How could I, you know how obsessed you were with him words would never get to you but actions did.

And that was the last straw, I couldn't take this bs, so I ran upstairs towards my bedroom. I slammed the door shut. Walking over to my bed, I sat down and curled myself into a ball and started sobbing and I was just beyond hurt. A scum that I called ' the man of my dreams' actually had the nerve to cheat on me on our engagement party. And my so called sister didn't even bother telling me this.

just needed to alone at the moment. Just to be alone and reflect on what just happened at the moment.

About two or three minutes later I heard a know on the door.

?: Hunny are you okay ?
I could make out Phoebe's voice from the other side of the door.

A: Come in mom.

Ph: Amber baby, I'm so sorry this happened to you.

A: Don't mom it's not your fault.

Ph: If only I was more firm with that idea from the beginning then...

A:Mom it's ok I wouldn't have ever been able to see what a jerk he's been to me.
I said cutting her off.

I did mean it, it wasn't her fault she was just being concerned about me and my well-being, but I was blinded by admiration or my one sided love. I just honestly need that family love right now and some motherly love.

Ph:Come here sweetie.
She said as she sat down next to me and moved it to hug me.

Ph: It's okay, it's okay hunny.

This is what I needed to be I my mom's arms just comforting me and the resurgence which made me break down in her arms.

I heard the door open again, I couldn't see who is was but I felt the bed sink to my side and a pair of arms hugging me from the other side.

It took me awhile to gain back my calm, but it nce I did, I moved out of their arms and wiped the remaining tears on my cheeks.

?: Are you okay ?

I turned to look at the person next to me, and nodded in response while looking away.

A: Yeah thanks mom and dad for everything and I know I must have brought a lot of problems with me and I'm sorry for that but I genuinely love you y'all and that also includes Emma, even if she wasn't the best sister but I still love her.

R: It's okay kid we all make mistakes.

Ph: And we love you too sweetie.
I smiled at them and wrapped my arms around their necks and brought them in for a hug.

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