Wrappin' It Up - Part One

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  • Dedicated to Jessica Kelman

a/n this is gonna be the epilogue and it will be in Harry's and Liam's POV's plus Delilah's and Nikohl's if i have time! i have to go to a fundraiser for my 8th grade DC trip this summer. wish us luck that we raise all the money! smiles and kisses.

:):) xx

Harry's POV

1 year after we left SA/ in London

it has been exactly a year today since I left Nikohl in SA and Liam and Zayn left Delilah and Marcie, its been hard forgetting them. NIkohl was the love of my life and all i have been doing since then is hooking up with random girls and having one night stands. we all go on interviews and try not to mention the girls' names, but there is always that one interviewer who wants to see you break down and cry. today we have to go on another interview that Simon set up as, 'A Year Back in London' show. i am hating every minute getting ready but i know i have the boys by my sides without a doubt. Ellen and Amber are going to be on the show with Lou and Niall, so there is no doubt that Marcie, Nikohl and Delilah will be brought up...i wish people would just give up on making us go back, we cant. 2/5 of us want to stay here and 2/5 were brought here with their girls, then there's me. Nikohl wouldn't leave without her family and Delilah, there was just no way, i knew that before i even asked her to go with me that dreadful day exactly one year ago. this was going to be the worst interview of my life, period.

as my designers picked and prodded at me for a good twenty minutes and made me change four times, they were finally done. they tried to put makeup on me to cover up my puffy red eyes but i refused, i'm not a girl. and everybody should know exactly how i feel about leaving SA and my darling.

"okay Mr. Styles, you can go to the lounge room. there are fish and chips waiting for you and the boys." that was my stylist person, she was so IRRITATING. i just gave her a curt nod and stood up. i slid my phone into my front pocket and slowly walked to the lounge. the whole lot was there waiting for me the fish ad chips were gone and there were crumbs all over Niall and Amber's faces, i knew they would eat it all... since i was already irritated i snapped at them both about it, quickly apologizing afterwards. i sighed loudly and slid down into my chair, pulling my phone out and posting the required post saying:

@Harry_Styles 'A Year in London'Interview today, tune in and find out all about our lives since we've been back!:) xx

i have been order to post almost everyday about anything we've been doing in London, it's scripted of course. i was having a terrible time in London but our managers made me put on a fake smile and make sure the fans believed we were our perfectly normal selves, even though we were far from it. i lost the love of my life due to Liam's dumb commented and Zayn's freak out. both of them were just as depressed as me but were WAY better at hiding it. i let everyone know just how upset i was on a daily basis.

Lou waved his hand in front of my face saying, "Earth to Haz, we go on in two minutes! pay attention!" i shook my head and swatted his hand out of my face with ease. why cant this day end already?

"yeah, yeah, i know!" he cringed at my sudden change in demeanor. i didn't mean to hurt his feeling but this was sooo over-rated. i pushed my self off the chair with a grunt and slid my phone back into my pocket and walked toward the curtain, ready to get this over with already.

in two minutes we were greeted onto the stage by Wake Up London's talk show host, Harley Johnson. she was a fairly beautiful woman with nice features and good curves but no matter what girl was in front of me all i saw was Nikohl. i shook my head clear as we gathered on the stage. there were two couches, and Lou, Ellen, Amber and Niall sat on one of them and that left M=me, Zayn and Liam to sit on the other. i pushed myself back into the cushion as far as i could wishing i could disappear. but of course Harley saw me hiding and that's when i became her first target...

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