A Proposal...of Like?

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  • Dedicated to Jacquelynne Hernandez

a/n sorry I didn't update I had a basketball game last night that put us into a three way tie for championship! hopefully coach can flip a coin well!

Nikohl's POV

"Nikohl Sanderson, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend? exclusively that is." Harry said these words while looking right in my eyes after he single handily pull me on the stage I front of like 500 people at least.

I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks almost automatically and it felt like my smile spread to me eyes as I answered his question, "Harry, I've only know you for a few hours...but, YES! of course I could never turn you down you are even better in person than I could have EVER imagined and I would be the dumbest girl in the entire world to say no to you!" I said with so much adrenaline that I actually hugged him and wrapped my legs around him! he was surprised at first but then caught his balance and grab my thighs. we spun around in circles a couples times before he set me down and the crowd cheered. paparazzi cameras flashed from every direction but none of It fazed me. I couldn't take my eyes off of Harry's perfect curls and emerald green eyes. it was like his eyes could pierce your soul, he must have known that I liked him. liked him like really liked him not like a directioner but genuinely liked him for him. He was such a player but I guess he finally found that girl he wanted to settled down with after the whole Haylor situation.

Harry's eyes were so bright it was unbelievable. he was beaming to the point where his dimples looked like holes in his face! it was the cutest thing ever. he leaned in and said, "how 'bout one for the cameras babe?" with a smirk. I got up on my tippy-toes and crashed my lips on to his plush lips and it was like we were made for each other because our lips fit perfectly and we moved in sync like it was natural. everyone in the crowd went, 'OOOOOOOOOHH!" he smiled into the kiss, as did I. we pulled apart laughing and smiling like we had some mental disorder. I have never been happier in my entire life.

Harry's POV

she said yes!!!!!!!! I was right this was a night I would never forget. I wonder if all the boys feel the same about Delilah, Ellen, Marcie and Amber? I hope they do that way I wont be the only one with a girlfriend. for once that is! me and Niall are always the single ones and that's why Narry became so damn popular, but then all of us guys became single and then we met the girls and everything changed.

my mind was racing a million miles a minute but I still managed to compose myself enough to kiss her and smile for the cameras. the thing with paparazzi is to never let them see you down. even when I was with Taylor I found a way to smile at the cameras.

we finished the concert and accepted the BRIT award, all with the girls by our sides. Ed even commented on how cute we all were with our matching clothes and all. we introduced the girls to Cher and Adele but after that we decided to go to a club as an after party. we dropped the girls off at De's and Nik's flat so they could change then headed back to the hotel. when we got back to the room Lou and I headed to our conjoining rooms to change.

Lou popped his head through the door to my room and said, "red or black skinny jeans???"

I looked at each pair then said, "definitely red, go for signature but casual tonight for the girls' sake. oh and did you get Ellen's number? Because I still haven't gotten Nik's." I said that last part sheepishly because it is kind of ridiculous that she's my damn girlfriend and I still haven't gotten her number.

"dang Harry really??? you guys really need some alone time! but yeah I got Ell's number what me to ask for Nik's number for you??" he questioned.

I looked at the ground the said, "yes please boo bear..." I felt kind of ashamed, but at least now I can text her! shortly after I told Lou to ask what her number was I got it and texted her.

Text Messages


hey babe, its Harry:) finally got your number! xx


Hey! we are almost ready, so I guess we'll meet y'all there in 10?? xx


no way, silly! we'll pick you up in the limo! what club are we going to anyway. I don't think we've ever been clubbing around here. xx


Let's go to the Lioness it's downtown near the store we met in. I'll see you in five! oh and wear your signature clothes, all of you!;) xx

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