Tears Shed and Gates Read

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  • Dedicated to Kayla Kerby

a/n I told Grace (Delilah) what was gonna happen...sadly I needed help choosing. but major drama is ahead the biggest yet! smiles and kisses :):) xx

Liam's POV

Everything was going good and well until we heard the gate smack shut, hard. someone obviously knew the code and was furious at God knows what. I got up out of the pool and went toward the gate to see what was going on but someone I thought I'd never see again was standing, right before me, arms crossed and flaming eyes.


thoughts raced through my mind, why was she here? what did she want? why did she come back? how'd she get in? does she know the code? think Liam think, say something, just one word! just something! "hi." that's the best I could do! what the heck! she shouldn't be here! not with Delilah here! no, no, no, this cant be happening.

"hi Liam, now where's that little bitch Delilah? huh? is she over here?" she stormed across the patio to the pool where everyone, including my mother was.

"no Danielle get back here! you cant go over there! she has nothing to do with you! we aren't together anymore!" but she ignored me and as she heard my footsteps from behind she quickened her pace to the point where I had to ran after her. she obviously meant business and had something to say to De that I had no control over. this is gonna be bad.

once Dani, no Danielle, she's not my Dani anymore especially not like this, got over to the pool everyone including my sweet Delilah looked up to see the angry women boring her eyes into Delilah. "Delilah is it? yah you, you little bitch why are you with MY Liam? he is MINE not yours! back the fuck off! he's not yours and never will be he will forever be mine!" she went on like this for a good 2 or 3 minutes until I got a hold of her and clapped my hand over her mouth, she was biting my hand trying to get me to let go but I was NOT going to allow her to tear my sweet girlfriend to bits over this. it was insane and she needed to leave, like now.

my mom pulled herself out of the pool and walked calmly over to us, removed my hand from Danielle's mouth and stood her up. she whispered something that I couldn't quite catch to her and walked her over to the gate and pushed her out. Danielle didn't try to come back in so I guess whatever my mom said worked, but nothing could make De unhear what she had just be told. she looked up at me, swam to the corner of the pool and with tears brimming her eyes ran into the house sobbing to herself. I went to run after her but Ellen and Amber held me back as Marcie and Nikohl went to comfort MY crying girlfriend. I wanted to go to her so badly but the girls wouldn't not let go. after about ten minutes Nikohl and Marcie came out gesturing for Amber and Ellen to go talk to De.

after the girls released me I crumpled to the ground in defeat, I could do nothing to help Delilah, nothing, what was said has been said and I couldn't change that. miracles like that don't happen, tragedies like Danielle showing up do, all because I became famous, all of this was my fault and only my own.

the rest of the failed day was spent with Delilah hiding away in Nikohl and Harry's room and me wallowing in guilt about this situation. the boys came in and out, taking turns trying to console me but nothing would help me, this was all my fault and nothing could change it. 

a/n I was gonna write the boys' POV on this but I'll do it tomorrow and have the girls' to compare it to. sorry for the shortness, hey at least I updated right? smiles and kisses

:):) xx

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