How the Infection Began

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a/n so me and Grace, who Delilah is based off of, discussed what should happen in this chapter and decided that we'd tell how each girl got their own version on One Direction Infection. Mine was kind of interesting, so that's what I'm gonna talk about. Grace and I's parents want to send us to therapy because of our dedication to this fandom, and I hope it isn't just our parents. any who! updating time!!!!!:):)xx

Delilah's POV

After we got home from dinner we pretty much went straight to bed. Marcie stayed over last night but she stayed in the guest room, I don't know why she didn't stay in Zayn's room. He just needs to man up and ask her out already! they are perfect for each other and they both know it. I don't want to interfere but I am just gonna have to ask Liam to help me get them together!

I shook Liam awake and whispered, "Li, Li, wake up. c'mon I got to ask you something. wake up!" slowly but surely he peeked his eyes open to look at me. he smiled that sweet perfect smile that every girl would die over and every guy would die for.

in his sexy, husky, morning voice he spoke, "morning babe. you look mighty fine today," adding a smirk in there, "what do you need?"

in the sweetest voice I could manage I asked, "do you know if Zayn likes Marcie? Because they are the only people that are left that haven't made it official, and they are perfect for each other! they're both vain as can be and love there hair and are complete perfectionists when it comes to looks. I just don't understand so, does he like her or what?!" I rushed through most of that so I'm surprised he even understood me.

"yes babe. Zayn does like her. he always has, since the moment he met her. he wouldn't have spent all this time with her if he thought different or where her signature color for that matter. now calm down and 'shhhhhhhh' it's sleepy time."

"no! we need to have another gathering of just us. we need to have them know that they both like each other! then they can finally be together!" I jumped out of the bed and ran to my closet, Paul had the boys' personal shopper pick us up new clothes, everyone but Marcie that is. I picked out white skinny jeans, a yellow and white poke-a-dot Hollister shirt and some white Jesus sandals, then rushed to the bathroom to do my everything else.

after about 4 tries, and 4 failed attempts at curling my hair I just threw it in a pony tail and went back to the bedroom. time to get Liam up, I'm gonna need his help for sure! I walked as quietly as I could over to Liam's sleeping figure lying on the bed. I leaned down kissed his lips softly, watched his eyes flutter open then shove him with all my might off the side of the bed and on to the floor. 

"OUCH!" Liam yelped from the floor below. I crawled to the side where he rolled off and looked down at my boyfriend with the most innocent smile I could managed considering did push him and all. I dropped down onto his chest and straddled his perfect, toned, bare chest. 

"Li, I told you to get ready when I was doing my hair! but I guess you didn't listen, again! you sleep way too much now get up and get dressed!" I pushed off of him and rant to get Nikohl. I was practically doing cartwheels because of my excitement. I banged on Nikohl and Harry's door until I heard some rustling and moving about. soon enough Harry came to the door in his boxers with his curls all askew.

he blew a curl out of his face and said, "De, is that you?" his squinty eyes told me what I had already known, I woke him up.

"Yes. Harry, I need to talk to Nikohl, its serious, wake her up now!" he cringed at the sound of my high pitched squeal, but turned around and did as was told. Nikohl came to the door moments later and cracked it open enough to squeeze out into the hallway.

"Nice hair Nik." I joked, sarcasm dripping from my lips. her hair was worse then Harry's, she must have spun around on her head while she was sleeping.

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