Hiding Away and Facing The Truth

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  • مهداة إلى Chelsey Starr Wynn

a/n this is going be in both the girls' and the boys' POVs so bare with me. right now I'm sitting outside because my mom is making me get outside

Delilah's POV

"I cant believe that Danielle  just broke in and did that to me, and Liam did nothing to stop it! she was practically tearing me apart and he did nothing! ugh!" I screamed-ish to myself really but I saw the looks on the girls' faces and they were pained.

Marcie spoke up first, "De, he tried to stop her but he couldn't get to her until right when she was near done...he tried, and right now he's downstairs crying because he couldn't help you when you needed him most. he is numb, he doesn't know what to think or do, neither do the boys..." she trailed off seeing that I was about to cry again.

a small tear trailed down my cheek and I wiped it away before Nikohl could. "Hun, calm down there's no need to cry again. you already had a pretty good cry earlier and now its time to talk to him, she's gone now and I have a feeling she wont be back anytime soon. I changed all the lock codes already, she wont get in again. I promise." she was extremely good at convincing me, even things I would never have thought I'd do.

"alright but let me clean up first, while we were downstairs Paul came to the apartment and grabbed all of my stuff, he would have grabbed yours, Nik, but it was all over your room! I thought you and Aaron cleaned it and packed it before we came over here?"  I gave her that all-knowing look, because I knew she would leave it disastrous especially since Aaron was helping her...he might be gay but he was far from being neat!

"umm...I'll just get Harry to help me with that...later...so De go fix your face and hair and we'll pick out your outfit! Kay? because you cant go down there with yourself looking like, well that." she was brutally honest but that's why she is my best friend. not even Marcie or Ellen or Amber could have made me feel better after something like this.

Sometime Later downstairs with the Liam's POV

"why wont she just come down so I can apologize and hold her?" I asked Harry who was sitting on the arm of the couch.

he turned, looked down at me and said, "Because Li, Dani really hurt her and you didn't have the chance to stop her. you couldn't help, Dani would have done it some other time if not now. we are just lucky it was in front of the paparazzi, it would have been blown way out of proportion. and we don't need that already when we just moved here."

he sounded like he really did put some thought into this, so I'll believe him and wait for her, she can take all the time she needs. "alright Haz. I'll wait for her."

after about 5 minutes I looked up and found Delilah walking down the stairs looking as beautiful as ever. I stood up quickly and walked over to her. slowly down the stairs came, Nikohl who Harry walked to, Amber who Niall came to sandwich in hand, Ellen who Louis came over and kissed and Marcie who Zayn came over to. we all went over to the couch and sat down waiting for De to speak. I just liked her so much that I couldn't stand to see her upset and or hurt, it killed me.

"Liam, I know now that you could not control what Danielle did. I'm sorry for blaming you," I went to say something but she stopped me and continued, "so I am over my little moment and am ready to move past this and forget her."

"I like you so much Delilah and I don't want her to change anything between us, what we have is good. better than anything I ever had with her. you mean way more. and I hope you know that..." I trailed off hoping she got the point and by the reaction she gave, I think she did.

she kissed me so I'd stop talking and I kissed my beautiful girlfriend back, all thoughts of Danielle and this afternoon slipping away, as if it never even happened. all that there was or ever is, is me and Delilah, forever and always I'm hoping.

a/n good! now they are back to being the De and Li we love!:)

smiles and kisses :):)  xx

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